Good morning to all,
Now seems like the appropriate time to write about releasing our loved ones that have transitioned, back to spirit. I have gone to many memorials in the last few years, so the topic seems to keep coming up. My first and most horrific introduction into losing a loved one, was when my dear uncle Maury died of cancer at the age of 36 and I was 23. I had lost a grandfather and many pets, but never anyone I was so completely attached to. He was the love of my life often making me laugh until I cried. Weeks before the family even knew he was sick, we were talking on the phone and I said to him "Maury, please don't die, because if you die I'm going to die too." His response was "don't worry honey, I'm fine. I love you." Somehow, despite our (7) hour distance apart I knew inside, he wasn't fine. Sure enough, a few weeks later, I got a call from the family, that Maury was at Monterey Peninsula Hospital having stomach surgery. Despite my aunt's words, not to worry and that I didn't have to come down, I heard a voice in my head yell "get to him NOW." Needless to say, I drove like a banshee, turning a 7 hour drive into 5 1/2 hours and I was the last one to hear his words "I love you honey over and over" in ICU.
The devastation of losing him was unbearable. I cried and cried night after night at the loss. Then he began appearing in my dreams. My uncle Maury suddenly appeared looking strong and healthy with a beautiful light glowing from behind him. The moment I saw him I would begin to cry again. He looked at me with a kind smile on his face and said "honey, I can still see you and hear you. You just need to talk to me." With that, I'd cry "please Maury don't leave me again" and then I'd wake up.
This occurred night after night, month after month, and finally at the year end mark, he appeared once again with a beaming light behind him. He looked at me ever so lovingly and said "honey, it's time for me to go now. I need to say good-bye to you, my sister and my mother. I love you." With that he turned into the light for the last time. The VERY next day I met my future husband that had strangely similar hobbies as Maury such as: collecting comic books, tools and unfortunately smoking pot. Within a few short years I gave birth a second time to my awesome son named of course "Maury."
Many old cultures believed families and friends of the deceased were allowed to grieve one full year, but after that you were no longer supposed "to call back" the dead with thoughts or emotions of the deceased, because every time you do, you pull them back from moving on in spirit - into the Light. I can not agree more! (Notice especially with photographs how they really pull you back to a place of grief keeping you from living in the "now" and keeping them from transitioning in Spirit.) I am convinced this is why there are so many ghosts and spirits inhabiting this earth and in so many different locations-trapped here. We have become a society that is unwilling to set our loved ones free, mistaking doing so with forgetting about them which is truly a very selfish act. If we really love a person, don't we want the best for them (and not ourselves) in this life and the next? It's important for us to learn to say I love you always and to set our loved ones free, so they can continue on with their spiritual growing. Always have faith you will see each other again someday. (Truthfully, they will probably incarnate into a future relative or friend of yours, so PAY attention to those around you. It's like I tell my kids, "If I am gone and you have children, you BETTER be awesome parents, because the chances are one of your kids will probably BE ME!"