Happy Friday to all ! I'd like to write about listening to our spirit guides, while we're sleeping or even while we're awake (as well as reconnecting to the earth.) I have learned over the years that in order to be able "to hear" the guides clearly I must be in a higher vibrational state (or rather frequency), which usually requires lots of time spent alone in the wilderness (which is the purest frequency), as well as pushing myself with very hard physical activity (i.e. jogging hard or mountain biking hard) and an attempt at healthy eating which is by far my downfall. (Most importantly, one must be as brutally honest as possible with yourself and others often times having to put aside one's ego and false beliefs just to be safe and comfortable, being humble) I realized years ago, that the healthier I am, the more contact I have with the elders and Natives in the dream state, as well as a deeper connection to my inner Intuition (deep sense of judgment) when I am awake. Years back, in one of my periods of disconnect, my dear friend Carla called me to say she had a message for me. On my children's GOD given truth, this is what she said: "Kerrie, you'll never believe this! You know the Indian warrior that appears to you in your dreams, well he came to me last night instead. (she described his amazing physique & clothing) I asked him, why are you coming to me and his response was "I have a message for you to give to Kerrie." Carla then asked him, why don't you tell her yourself? He responded back "Because she can't hear me right now. She isn't listening! You need to tell her to start taking Metamucil right away." Then he was gone.
Needless to say, I almost fainted at her words. Truly amazing how faithful and protective my Indian Warrior Guide really is. I was touched to the core. Unfortunately, within a week, I began having severe intentional issues and yes, I had to begin using Metamucil. The point is, I had let my frequency get so low due to my poor diet (eating lots of red meat) that my own spirit guide couldn't reach me.
Also, at times without me even understanding why, I will disconnect emotionally from the lessons being shown to me and that's when the Grizzly seems to appear in my dreams and ROARS into my ears to" wake up." "PAY ATTENTION" After one of these experiences, my ears were still ringing minutes after I woke up from the fierce attempt to get me listen.
Now, I think it is imperative for us all to do the same. We are at a very intense time in our existence and I really believe we ALL need to be able to HEAR our guides and to follow our intuition clearly. It's time to force ourselves to eat well (with very little meat if any at all unless it is wild game), exercise hard, make Peace with ourselves, face the issues within ourselves and to PAY ATTENTION to the world around us, and the messages given to us from a Higher Place. If you don't spend much time in the wilderness, begin to do so now and learn how to survive in the Wilderness as the Native Cultures did off the land as a Way of Life vs. wilderness survival from a white perspective. Make Peace with the isolation and beauty and Reconnect with the Earth that literally gives and sustains your life. Leave your cell phones home, Walk in Silence on a trail and feel the air, and acknowledge the gifts a single dandelion plant gives you, i.e. young leaves for a salad, roots for coffee or wine, yellow flower heads for frying. Learn how to make coal beds to keep you warm at night, so you don't need a sleeping bag, or hold a fluffy cattail in your hands with the knowledge the fluff is awesome as kindling to make fires with, or the firm core to use as a toothbrush, and the stocks as arrows if in dire need. Learn that everything you need to live, is given to you in Nature-FOR FREE if only you learn how to see. One deer alone gives you a hide for clothing, organs rich with oil for brain tanning, bones to make utensils or weapons with, deer toes for rattles and of course lots of food. When you learn about Nature you realize you've been brain washed by Corporate America to think you need them for your survival. Of course, that is not true- they need YOU to supply their diseased greedy souls. Nature was here long before Microsoft and the X-Box and Nature will outlive them all. The more you learn about the Natural World around you, the less you'll want to destroy it
Lastly, always remember to acknowledge the importance of everything in Nature and give respect to anything you use, incorporating its' spirit with your own.