I woke up this morning thinking it might be a good idea to address a tiny bit about Karma, reincarnation and basically facing issues you hate the most in an attempt to explain how I went from being a male Lakota warrior in the last life time, to now being a white female. It's rather simple really. I was reborn into the race I absolutely hated with a fury the last time around, into a sex, I had deemed as weaker than me as Gall. My hate for the white race was so strong that the emotions literally went through time and space with me, that as a teen while attending North Hollywood High School, I'd sit in the quad at lunchtime trying to figure out how I could be so ashamed to be white and figure out why I hated absolutely everything in our society. I HATED our fancy house, the fancy cars and the attitude of most of the rich kids I went to school with. Often, I'd just sit next to a tree at school and think about when I was young growing up in Colorado, when I had my horse Cherokee, was in the mountains all winter skiing, or at the lake every weekend in the summers. I just wanted to be back in nature and was miserable living in a cement city with mostly artificial people. (Not all!)
As the years went by and the lessons and dreams unfolded, I was taught a few lessons about Karma. (in other words cause and effect). In order to grow spiritually, one must let go of hate, and learn to love all things and all races equally. More importantly, in order to learn the consequences of your actions in one life time, you will be reborn your next life living in the situation you created for others. How can you understand how your actions have affected others if you don't have to walk in those shoes? An easy example: if you hated blacks your last life time & treated them as inferior, you are sure to be re-born as a black person this life time living in tough conditions, so you can experience (learn at a soul level) how your actions and emotions created the situation you are in. A balancing of the soul so to speak. People may not like reading this, but truth isn't always easy or kind. Imagine how I feel, having the memories and visions of my past life as a male warrior known for his honesty and courage, now living in a world with little integrity, next to nil honesty and almost zero sacrifice in a white ladies body? I was filled with self hate for my skin color until I went up to Standing Rock Indian Reservation in 1996, and stood on Chief Gall's grave feeling self pity of my now current situation. The rain began pouring down on me with lightening and thunder crashing down all around me. Suddenly, I "heard" an amazing insight. With my arms in the air praying to the directions I heard these words "How can you mourn for here you are dancing on your own grave. You are still the same person, with lighter skin, that is all!" With those words, I looked down at my arms and started to laugh realizing very little really has changed with me except for the outer shell, even then I am still very strong and tough regardless. My self pity instantly turned into a smile and with that I was able to return home as proud as can be. The God's are right!
As to my red hair, I've always hated since I was a child, my wise daughter Tessa reminded me, " mom, you were reborn with red hair as a reminder to continue walking the good red road, even in this lifetime," which I have despite how tough it really has been. Bless her heart for the comforting words.
Remember: Walk in Balance (in all aspects of your life) and feel with your soul, not your eyes.
(note: to be a warrior in any life time, one must have a deep sense of right and wrong, a very strong spine and faith and courage in the Creator to speak the words most don't like to hear.) It was as natural as the sun rising in days past for tribal people, but is now almost a foreign thought or action creating a society with little integrity and even less honor. Hopefully that will change one day.