Friday, June 10, 2011

Flying or rather "astral projecting" in a dream state

I'd like to share my experiences with astral projecting or rather the sensation of flying in my dreams. This is another aspect of my dreaming that I have experienced for years.  Back in 1987, while living with my then boyfriend at Freshwater County Park,  I began to come up and out of my body while I slept at night, hovering over us both & thinking "wow this is cool." I was completely "awake" mentally and aware of my surroundings. I'd often fly through the ceiling of our house and fly in the night time clouds, tripping on the feeling of the wind currents and how free I felt. In the mornings, I kept telling my boyfriend what I was experiencing & he kept saying it was impossible. He told me one day, that if I could consciously count backwards from 10, while up in the sky he would  maybe believe me. That very night I came up & out of my body, into the night sky & yelled down to Vern below "watch me, (while counting my fingers) 10, 9, 8, 7, & so on to 0. " "I told you I was awake."  I have been astral projecting ever since. 
  I would like to share that during the process of astral projecting I have experienced phases of acceptance and reality. In the beginning, I would get trapped in houses, not sure how to get through the doors and windows since my eyes believed a solid object should stop me, limiting my flying experiences. As time went on and I was guided through my experiences from the Native elders, I eventually learned that in the dream state, if you just imagine your spirit as "fluid" you can  fly right through anything. Now, after years of practice, I can consciously choose where I want to fly or visit, with houses and buildings only a practice obstacle for altering my sense of reality.
      In fact, a few short months ago, I became too relaxed in one of my experiences and was berated for my actions.  Here is the dream:   I had decided to fly over to the Pacific Northwest to the redwoods to be near my best friend Carla, if only in my sleep. After flying over the mountain ranges and reaching the coast, I noticed how the sky over the ocean was dark and totally dramatic in appearance yet mesmerizing and beautiful.  I closed my eyes in total serenity while embracing the flying feeling now out over the ocean. Suddenly, there was a tugging on my right leg, holding me back, pulling me down. I tried to shake the entity off that was holding my leg, to no avail. I began to get very annoyed and turned around to see what had my leg. Much to my shock, there holding on firmly was an OLD Australian aboriginal man with eyes boring in to my soul.  At his side, was his old wife. He was obviously angry at me and said to me "if I hadn't pulled you back, you would have died.  You of all people should know better and need to be more aware.  It isn't your time to die!"  

I was so ashamed to have upset him, but so honored at the same time to know he too was watching over me.  I realized I must pay better attention even in a dream state. I was sorry to have disappointed the wise one. I hope I get another chance to repent, so to speak.

To each of you, I hope you experience the  feeling of flying in your dreams and maybe become more conscious of the experience guiding you to further lessons. 

Have a wonderful Friday.
