Thursday, January 31, 2019

Dream: My Grizzly Totem & I Make Peace.....................

Good morning to everyone, I hope you dreamed well and maybe had one of those "profound" dreams to set your day off philosophizing.

For most of my adult life, grizzly bears have come to me in my dreams, as protectors, messengers & guides. Though I'm always in awe of their huge size, I've always been a bit fearful of their power - in the dream time & awake time, even having to face down a grizzly in the Tetons in1984, that was no more than 75 ft away from us, changing my life & humbling me completely. I even had a lucid dream years ago, where the grizzly grabbed me by the head, though not hurting me & forcing me to look up into the sky to see that there were two sun like objects up above, that I had not noticed before. 

Early this morning, I "woke up" in my dream to a man & women standing at my door  with a huge grizzly bear and  big white fluffy dog, beside them. The man walked in without a word, along with the bear,  and I noticed he was wearing a grizzly bear tooth on a small piece of brain tanned deer hide, exactly like mine & knew we were connected within. As we began to talk, the grizzly walked over & began rubbing its huge body against me. After some trepidation, I began scratching the grizzly's head like a dog, thinking "I hope he doesn't get a funny thought & grab me with his huge jaws"-but he didn't. After some time, the man with his bear & dog walked away but I was instantly missing that bear & watched him go. After he was about 50 ft away, that bear turned & looked at me & I KNEW he missed me already as well. Then he turned around & ran back towards me bucking & being goofy all the way back to me, whereby we played like a child and a pup. My grizzly totem & I had made peace & I was no longer afraid of the powerful beast that has watched over me my entire adult life. I had made peace with the bear within!! Hoka hey & blessings!

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