It's funny how I have taken the ability to travel to both Heaven and Hell for granted all these years assuming everyone else is doing the same thing. Now, after talking to many, I know that is not the case. I feel blessed to have experienced the Halls of God like I have, as well as helping guide souls out of Hell, which seems to be my soul's main purpose as is fighting demons (I'll explain later.) Since I spend so much time in both places, I have no fear of dying, since I all ready know what to expect. I'd like to first share my experience of going down into Hell and helping misguided souls up to the light, followed by my experience of floating through the Halls of God. All experiences have touched me beyond words.
"I’m riding in a white van full of hospital coworkers. The van is driving alongside a narrow, windy road going up the side of a steep mountain and there are no guardrails on the side of the road. I can see over the precipice a fall thousands of feet below. Oh my God, the van is loosing traction and begins sliding backwards. It plummets over the side of the cliff and I KNOW I’m going to die. I “wake up” moments later and find myself in a cold, damp dark cave I recognize as “Hell.” I don’t like it at all yet, somehow, I know I am here to help the others trapped down here. It is my job to show them the way out….to rise up toward the light, to the top of the tunnel. The souls down here don’t realize they have a choice to be down here or ascend to the heavens if they desire. They just don‘t know it. I suddenly understand about Hell; the knowledge being downloaded into my brain. God doesn’t send souls to hell, we send ourselves here. We create our own misery by lying, cheating, alcohol abuse, close mindedness, greed, control, fear, destroying the earth---anything that darkens the spirit during our lifetime experiences. God loves all of us and wants us to be in the light, so I was sent down here to help guide the way out for those that choose to follow. God's frequency is too high to be here and it takes souls like me that can lower or raise their frequencies to help. Telepathically, I transmit to the tormented souls to follow me. There are even children down here. I see a beautiful young blond girl around ten years old who comes with us. I keep rising higher and higher visualizing the sky and the light above. I finally leave the darkness of the cave into the warm and sunny daylight floating towards the pure white clouds high in the sky. I naturally float to the brightest of light and turn around to see a stream of souls following me out of Hell. I am very pleased. I float off to the side, allowing the souls to quietly pass me into the waiting light of the Great Spirit. I feel the Great Spirit is very pleased with me and I feel very loved."
I woke up divinely relaxed and deeply proud of myself because I knew I had done well.
Now, just months later, the Halls of God.
(Note - I have had numerous dreams with ethereal (angelic) music resonating in the background with glorious colors in the sky all around me, but in this dream, I was in the Halls of God. This one occurred while camping in Moab high upon a red sand stone cliff sleeping with my soul's other half.)
"I wake up to find myself silently floating down a beautiful hallway, with paintings covering the walls, such as Michelangelo's work in the Sistine Chapel. The colors and artwork are soooo astounding I can just gaze at amazement to what I am seeing. There is beautiful angelic music playing in the background filling my heart and soul with pure love. A female angel floats towards me and I can't help but try to reach my finger out to touch her. She gives me this "no, no" gesture with a smile upon her face and gracefully darts out of my way. A second angel appears and again I try futilely to touch her but again she doesn't want me too either, so I continue floating towards the end of this magnificent Hallway. When I get to the end I am perched high above, suspended in the air. I put my arms out to my sides and begin turning four times in a clockwise direction, as if I praying to the four directions. Then I hear these words coming from the Creator himself: "Everything is as it should be, but you will be going through Hell."
I abruptly woke up with this ominous warning in my thoughts, with the love still flowing through my heart yet wondering what it could mean. I had all ready experienced the spiritual Hell, but totally forgot about an earthly one. Little did I know that within a year and a half, I would be living through emotional & physical Hell itself. (Although, I knew there was a reason for it, it did not make it any easier and I wondered if I'd survive.)