Good morning everyone,
Happy Sunny Saturday Everyone! I received an email this morning from a very dear woman kindly suggesting I should leave out a paragraph from yesterday's post ("Imagine how I feel, having the memories and visions of my past life as a male warrior known for his honesty and courage, now living in a world with little integrity, next to nil honesty and almost zero sacrifice in a white ladies body?") due to its non-spiritual view. After thinking about it, I do agree with her, it is a non-spiritual viewpoint, but one that is still very true to me none the less. After my 48 years on this planet and experiencing many different types of jobs and locations, I have come to see that honesty, integrity and sacrifice don't go well in a capitalistic society where acquiring more is the driving force at any cost, whether.the human spirit, the environment and even our children. I have been punished many times over for exhibiting these behaviors on the job and in my life (paying a financial toll & wearing my spirit thin) but as hard as it is I can not compromise these values, because I have learned - time in spirit is a lot longer than time on this earth and I want to be proud of the decisions I made this time around! I don't ever want to say "if only." (And even more truthfully, I don't want to have to incarnate again unless we're back to living in a hunter/gatherer society. Our society now is totally foreign to me and one I don't belong to not understanding how it got to this place of unimaginable disconnection to the earth. I totally "get" the horrible experience the Native Americans lived through going from a wild and free culture to one that was controlled by religion and greed destroying everything they were. I feel the same way again here and now. Strange, how I incarnated at these (2) pivotal times on our earth.)
My soul isn't up for compromise because I'd like to enter Spirit at a high frequency, to a place where I can be at peace. I would like to avoid entering the other world in the cold, damp place I experienced as Hell, screaming voices and all, souls trapped by the choices made in their life times.
For me, being spiritual is about sacrifice and connections to the earth, humanity and our children. It is having faith in the Creator to do the right thing in all areas of our lives. It seems that in today's world, everyone thinks "they deserve it all" - most unwilling to sacrifice (lavish lifestyles, technological gadgets, jobs, fancy homes and cars) in order to preserve the environment or be around to raise their children or stand up for a cause that betters humanity or the environment. People have become slaves to their possessions, to the point no one wants to stand up and say or do the right thing at their jobs or to their bosses for fear of losing those possessions, which unknowingly allows evil to reign. I think it is also accounts for why so many suffer alcohol and drug problems, because they have given up the control in their lives to others and things or simply by not having a connection to a Power higher than themselves. Today's world is more preoccupied with self grandiose and self importance than the natural world. Many people grossly mistake self - importance with STUFF-(money, big paying jobs, fancy cars, lavish vacations, kids school's & colleges, all exterior stuff.) (Please know, this does not pertain to those of you that live simply and have seen through the facade making choices benefiting the family & home.) Now, even women (with a husband in a job, not single parents) are not willing to compromise jobs, big houses and prestige in order to stay home and raise their own children. Most women place their children (which should be their most cherished job of all) in the care of strangers and wonder then why the children are victimized or grow up with substance abuse or emotional problems by age 12! Where are the grandmother's to help? Many, such as my mom don't even know what it is to sacrifice their wants and needs to help raise the grandchildren, often living far away with little contact. Women don't know how to be women and mother's anymore, because their jobs away are more important, as is their wants and needs. Children are a gift from GOD, and all sacrifices should be made to raise that child with a deep love & connection and let the husband be the provider. That's what they were intended to be all along. Now, we've even taken that away from them, compromising a man's integrity wondering, why men are broken as well. We, as women, are the givers of life, the foundations for the families. When woman don't even know how to breastfeed their own babies anymore or want to be home with their gifts from God, because they don't know what to do with them or may experience isolation or loneliness, you know we've gone 180 degrees off the Way.Where is the sacrifice for the good of the children or the family or the community, i.e. tribe any more? For most: GONE.
On a lighter note, to reference the part about coming back as a black person, ("if you hated blacks in your past life......"), I have a perfect example of that coming from right here from home. I should have included it in yesterday's post. In 2005, I began dreaming over and over about a southern plantation in Kentucky, that had an elderly couple that owned it. The man in my dream/vision was very kind to his slaves, which shocked the slaves and the other whites in my dream, but his wife named "Mary" was very bigoted and felt that the blacks were below her. She was very warm and kind to other whites, but the blacks definitely had their place far below. Night after night, I kept returning to this plantation, which I realized was still inhabited by the souls of soldiers that needed to be released. But one night in my dream, they had a party, with friends, family and very ragged looking soldiers , and a table full of slaves. The white male who was the owner of this plantation, got up from the table with the other white owners and went and sat with the slaves. Everyone was shocked (including the slaves) but the white male really respected them as people. Mary, was not happy to say the least.
The VERY next day after this dream, I was sitting in the employee lunchroom at the Sheraton in Steamboat where I used to work. Our Jamaican staff would sit at the table in the far back and the white management group would usually sit in the first table nearest the door. (note-I usually sat with the Jamaicans but not this day) Wellll, this one particularly fine looking black Jamaican male I had a crush on but did not know, got up from his table and came & sat down next to me at the white table. His mannerisms instantly caught my attention because I instantly recognized them as Mary's.. To say I was shocked is an understatement. Needless to say, that day I spoke with Dane, was the day my dreams ended and I knew I had seen his past life as a bigoted old white woman. Dane is now my husband of five years, and sure enough Dane was born in the poorest place in Kingston, Jamaica literally living in a ghetto. When he took me back to Jamaica, I was shocked to see the opposite life style he lived as Mary, now learning karma's lesson as Dane. He had to be re-born into the situation he helped create as Mary.. A balancing of the souls!