Thursday, July 28, 2011

Powerful Dream My Son Maury Had............

I've been putting off writing about this dream my son had last Saturday night but it was so profound I find myself needing to share it on this blog. (A little note before I start, both my son and daughter are also dreamers with amazing moments of profound truth to a point it even amazes me). Anyways,  my son Maury called me last Sunday  from Steamboat Lake St. Park, where the trail crews were having a large gathering with other groups. His voice was different somehow, humble and calm not cocky or self serving at all (after all he is a 17 yr old male), then his words "mom, I had the most intense dream last night." "Tell me Maury, cause I knew you would living in such a high frequency place now." And he began:  "There were stairs going down this steep cliff. I went down the stairs to the bottom and at the bottom was a bridge leading to the other side of the river.  Suddenly, your family appeared on the side I was on, Aunt Penny & Rena, Colin, Kelly (2 of my 3 brothers), their wives and kids.  I walked over to each of them and began saying my good-byes with hugs. They were all very nice to me except Penny who was very stand-offish which I couldn't understand.  I said to her, Penny, I know you and my mom do not get along, but why are you angry at me?  She did not answer and just looked at me.  Then they all  turned and disappeared.  Suddenly, a tall, old man appeared to me and said he was my great Uncle Carl.  He was the kindest man I have ever met and when he touched me, it filled me with pure love and peace. A totally loving energy went through my entire body.  He looked me straight in the eyes and told me I was a very wise old soul which made me feel really special.  Suddenly, my friends from the football team appeared on the other side of the bridge.  I looked over at them and Uncle Carl said to me "go Maury. You need to go over the bridge now." So I did. Then I woke up.  

When Maury told me this, I almost fell over.  He indeed did have a great Uncle Carl, though he only met him as a baby who truly was the neatest, man I had ever met.  He worked for years as a Manager for State Parks in the redwoods and absolutely loved his wife Luella and his three wonderful grown kids and grand kids. He was indeed tall and had passed away not long after his beloved grandson Jake passed away in his early 20's with unknown causes before his wife Lou.  I told Maury, I had no doubt Uncle Carl was very proud of him and was watching over him, which Maury responded with "mom, you're making my knees weak."  He then asked me how I was doing, and I told him "Maury, I am happy where you are.  It feels like the right thing."  He proceeded to tell me he was thinking the same thing, especially when a man appeared at the large gathering to teach about Native American ways and how to make dream catchers. I knew when he came home, he would now be a man. Something deep and profound had changed inside him.

(Years ago, in many tribal cultures, when males reached my son's age, they'd have to go into the wilderness for a vision quest and be able to survive by themselves, often for days at a time returning as men, ready for a wife and teepee of their own.   Tragically, we obviously don't do this today, but I feel the trail crew, requiring weeks of wilderness living and hard physical labor was a close second, which I had each child attend.)