Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time to Reconnect Our Native Souls Back to the Wilderness- ALL OF US!

As you can imagine, yesterday's revelation to my dream upset me more than I can explain.  A rage emerged deep within me, that came through time and space from my last life as Gall. The emotions were too reminiscent of what I experienced 20 years ago,  when I would go to sleep at night and go back in time to relive the terror that unfolded in my last life time as a Plains Indian,  causing me to wake up sobbing- experiencing grief at its core. Our bodies may change, but our souls do not and for me neither have the memories. The anger my soul experienced  as Gall, at the murder of my family, my tribe, my way of life came right through time and space when I read that article about the Native family that was attacked by the Neo-Nazis. How can this still be happening?

Yesterday afternoon, I had to go for a walk in our flooded county park, with our dog Leo,  to try to release the fury that filled my heart once again.  I walked on our pathway, now turned into a deep pond while Leo swam beside me in and out of the tall grass. The water was warm and the sky a brilliant blue with huge white puffy clouds above.  When the water came to my thighs, I stopped and put my arms up in prayer and asked for peace from the Creators, with my fossilized bear tooth necklace laying against my heart.  As I closed my eyes with my face up in the sun, I visualized pure white light coming from the heavens, entering through my head and spreading throughout my body, leaving through my feet, like the roots of a tree into the earth. I then said a prayer to the heavens asking for all the earth/native souls all over, to regain our strength, our memories, and our power and use the energy from the sky's and from the earth to fill our hearts and give us courage and honor once again. There is nothing more pure or powerful than the truths found in nature,  in the air, in the power that moves water and tells the herds when to migrate or the forces that create brilliant lightening storms.  (I don't believe inner connection comes from a book disconnected from the forces that give us life or go against the most basic truths of nature.) The aborigines, the people of the jungles and of the Plains and of the Deserts, lived by the strengths and laws of nature for thousands of years, and it is those truths we need to find once again, for our integrity and for our re-connection at the deepest level,  to a force much greater than ourselves.  It is time to regain our inner knowledge and power within ourselves, and with The Great Spirit's greatest creation, the earth in the wilderness and in the creatures. It is time to free ourselves and begin to live once again!!!!

Wakan Tanka nici un  (May the Great Spirit go with you and guide you)