Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Unbelievably sad follow-up to yesterdays post

Good morning to all,

In yesterday's post  I had asked for other possibilities to what my dream/nightmare could mean other than the two possibilities I presented.  Unfortunately, I got the answer this morning from my dear friend who happens to be Cherokee and teaches at Oklahoma State.  This is what she wrote: " When I was reading this
terribly sad entry, I was reminded of an article two days ago about a Native American family brutally attacked-they were arrested even though the nazi skin head thugs did the beating-it is such a sad story-pulled him from a truck-everything horrible-Maybe you were picking up on that somehow-so sad.
Take care...even if we try to keep our wits about us and think positively and be in touch, there are forces out there that are powerful and can cause great pain and injury-take care."

Needless to say, the hair on the back of my neck instantly stood up at her words. Due to my history of dreaming of events or things happening to the people around me, I "googled"  and  found the actual article which instantly made me feel sick.  The article is titled "Native Family is Attacked by Skinheads" and began at a gas station on I-80 in Fernley, Nevada. Unbelievably, a Native family of four was run off the highway by a carload of skinheads and assaulted this family.  It was the Native family that went to jail and the Nazis that essentially got off after this brutal assault of the Natives. Here is one article about it:

It appears to be a common practice to assault the Natives in Nevada and elsewhere near reservations. It appears I picked up on the energy from the hate groups that are assaulting the Native Americans, which totally infuriates me.   How is this being allowed to occur in America?  Where is the protection for our indigenous people and why are people like the Nazis allowed to continue to walk this earth?  Something is VERY wrong when Neo-nazis are protected and the Natives are hung out to dry.  What does this say about the soul of this country????????????   I really wish all the Natives would arm and empower themselves, because if they don't band together and protect themselves, obviously no one (meaning our gov't) will!!!  This has been the case for the last 200+ years and obviously nothing has changed.

Now, that the answer to that dream has come, I promise to write about a really insightful, positive post about soul mates vs. twin souls next to counter the negativity of this one.  Blessings to all -  especially to the Native Americans in this country!!!! Stand Up and Be Strong.. Remember the warrior history of your culture - of your people!!!!