Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dream Showing the Many Paths to GOD (or for me The Great Spirit)

Happy Peaceful Sunday to all,  During these times of extreme weather and crisis's all over the world, it makes sense for people to come together as a community to overcome the tragedies and work as a tribe. Funny thing is, I've noticed especially locally how  instead of  banning together, people are segregating themselves based upon their religions. I have been told now by so many Christians that the Apocalypse is here (which means Judgment Day is near) and if you don't believe in the Bible, you are evil and going to Hell.  The meaning: "How can a Christian associate with someone who is not, especially during these times?"  This whole idea baffles me. How can the Christians be right, the Catholics be right, the Muslims be right and no one is wrong?  Well, maybe they are all right and all can either lead you to GOD, or by people's choices away from GOD depending on your choices.    (Personally, I just want to go back to a wild environment with teepees, Natives, and animals.  I would be home and I would be happy!  )    I'm not sure if it is noticeable in the big cities, but it sure is here in the country and something I can not understand regardless of what happens with our earth. 

In 1994, while living in Crescent City, CA,  we kept having different religious groups show up at our front door for a little proselytizing.  If it wasn't the Mormons, it was the Jehovah Witnesses, or sects of the Christian Church.  With each group of two,  I agreed with them, for every minute of my time they took telling me about the good book, they had to listen to what I had to say. Fair is fair.  Funny thing is, I ended up making good friends with a few of them despite our completely opposite set of beliefs.  They came from the Bible, or Book of Mormon perspective and I obviously come from a totally Native perspective....but they had good intentions so hey why not share and visit.  Well, one night after one of  these visits, I had a very clear dream regarding this matter.  What I feel is the truth was shown to me. It seemed the moment I closed my eyes all I could see was a HUGE wheel with spokes just like a bike.  In the center of the wheel was a circle with the word GOD.  On each spoke was the name of a different religion, such as:  Judaism, Christianity, Shintoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and on and on, all the way around.  All leading to GOD.  On the outside of the wheel were all the things leading away from GOD, such as:  drug abuse, alcohol abuse, greed,  fear, control, lying, destruction of the earth, materialism, addiction, and on and on.  The message was clear, so clear in fact I was even able to draw what the saw the next morning, which does not happen often.

How I interpreted this was:  it is not the religion that is important, but the sincerity and integrity of our souls.  It is our actions and thoughts, that upon our physical passing send us to the matching frequency, where as God, or rather Wakan Tanka (the Great Spirit) is at the highest frequency and Hell being the lowest.  Remember, GOD doesn't send us to HELL, we send our selves there by all the things on the outside of the circle. We are held accountable for our life, if even by ourselves.
