Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Dreams of Snakes and Horses..........

Lately, I've been having lots of dreams with snakes in them.  Funny cause I usually don't dream of snakes and love to hold snakes and let them crawl all over me.  My brother Kirk & I have always had this love and fascination with snakes.  About a two weeks ago, I began dreaming of snakes. In my first dream, I consciously woke up in my dream standing on the top step of a big swimming pool filled with really clear blue water.  I instantly noticed there was this huge snake almost as long as the pool itself swimming away from me.  I couldn't help but feel a little fear just on its size alone.  When it reached the other end of the pool, it turned and began swimming right towards me.  I could see its' eyes watching me just below the surface.  Right when the snake got to the step I was on I woke up startled at the clarity of its eyes and kinda shaking at its size. I knew it was trying to tell me something, but I didn't know what.

Then, two nights ago, I dreamed I walk into this room in an adobe type structure.  There are two big snakes slithering along the floor, one I recognized as a bull snake and the other one I did not know.  I jumped up on the nearest chair when suddenly the unknown snake suddenly started lunging up at me trying to bite me.  I kept jumping out of its' way, narrowly escaping it's fangs.   When it tired of me, it went over to the bull snake and began to fight briefly on the floor with it.  When they tired of that, the mystery snake came back over to me and again tried everything to reach me. I screamed and woke up.  

Upon wakening, I decided I had enough of my snake dreams.  They were obviously trying to tell me something so I grabbed a book I have on Native American symbology of animals and began to read.

This is what snake said  "Snake medicine people are very rare.  Their initiation involves experiencing and living through multiple snake bites, which allows them to transmute all poisons, be they mental, physical, spiritual, or emotional.  The power of snake medicine is the power of creation, for it embodies sexuality, psychic energy, alchemy, reproduction , and ascension (or immortality).  The transmutation of the life-death- rebirth cycle is exemplified by the shedding of Snake's skin.  It is the energy of wholeness, cosmic consciousness, and the ability to experience anything willingly and without resistance.  It is the knowledge that all things are equal in creation, and that those things which might be experienced as poison can be eaten, ingested, integrated, and transmuted if one has the proper state of mind. ...Complete understanding and acceptance of the male and female within each organism creates a melding of the two into one, thereby producing divine energy.  This medicine teaches you on a personal level that you are a universal being.  Through accepting all aspects of your life, you can bring about the transmutation of the fire medicine. This fire energy, when functioning on the material plane, creates passion, desire, procreation, and physical vitality.....There is a need within you to transmute some thought, action or desire so that wholeness may be achieved. This is heavy magic, but remember magic is no more than a change in consciousness..."from The Discovery of Power through the Ways of Animals by Jamie Sams & David Carson.   Again, the message of shedding the old skin (or ways) and accepting  the new changes as a snake does its' skin comes to me in another form.

Right after my snake dream, I then dreamed of a huge black, beautiful horse standing in front of me. I began to brush its fur, amazed its back was easily a foot taller than myself. Every time it moved, I was extra careful, even a bit afraid because just on its size alone could easily break my foot if it stepped on me.  After a few minutes of being brushed, this magnificent horse, with a really long black main and forelock,  turned to face me square on.  I noticed legs covered in deer skin and fringes with moccasins on his feet, hanging from his back but I could not see the rest of the riders body.   Instantly, I knew this horse loved me and seemed to know me well.  As I used to with my gorgeous Palomino many years ago, we began blowing into eachother's faces ever so gently.  I blew into his large muzzle with my mouth, and he blew into my eyes and my face gently with his nose feeling his whiskers tickling my cheek.  I could feel an amazing bond of love between us. Then I woke up. 

In all honesty, my thoughts went instantly back to Gall and I wondered if this was the horse he rode (I rode). He seemed to be delivering a message to me and reminding me of the affection we had for eachother long ago.  I also began to read about Horse in the same book I mentioned above.  This is a shortened version of what it said  "Horse is physical power and unearthly power.  In shamanic practices throughout the world, horse enables shamans to fly through the air and reach heaven.  ....Once humans climbed on horse's back, they were as free and fleet as the wind.  They could carry burdens for great distances with ease.  Through their special relationship with horse, humans altered their self-concept beyond measures........"

Wow, powerful dreams, powerful times.   I hope you all  will pay attention to what is being shown to you in the dreamtime as well.


When all the trees have been cut down,
when all the animals have been hunted,
when all the waters are polluted,
when all the air is unsafe to breathe,
only then will you discover you cannot eat money.

Cree Prophecy

Powerful Dream My Son Maury Had............

I've been putting off writing about this dream my son had last Saturday night but it was so profound I find myself needing to share it on this blog. (A little note before I start, both my son and daughter are also dreamers with amazing moments of profound truth to a point it even amazes me). Anyways,  my son Maury called me last Sunday  from Steamboat Lake St. Park, where the trail crews were having a large gathering with other groups. His voice was different somehow, humble and calm not cocky or self serving at all (after all he is a 17 yr old male), then his words "mom, I had the most intense dream last night." "Tell me Maury, cause I knew you would living in such a high frequency place now." And he began:  "There were stairs going down this steep cliff. I went down the stairs to the bottom and at the bottom was a bridge leading to the other side of the river.  Suddenly, your family appeared on the side I was on, Aunt Penny & Rena, Colin, Kelly (2 of my 3 brothers), their wives and kids.  I walked over to each of them and began saying my good-byes with hugs. They were all very nice to me except Penny who was very stand-offish which I couldn't understand.  I said to her, Penny, I know you and my mom do not get along, but why are you angry at me?  She did not answer and just looked at me.  Then they all  turned and disappeared.  Suddenly, a tall, old man appeared to me and said he was my great Uncle Carl.  He was the kindest man I have ever met and when he touched me, it filled me with pure love and peace. A totally loving energy went through my entire body.  He looked me straight in the eyes and told me I was a very wise old soul which made me feel really special.  Suddenly, my friends from the football team appeared on the other side of the bridge.  I looked over at them and Uncle Carl said to me "go Maury. You need to go over the bridge now." So I did. Then I woke up.  

When Maury told me this, I almost fell over.  He indeed did have a great Uncle Carl, though he only met him as a baby who truly was the neatest, man I had ever met.  He worked for years as a Manager for State Parks in the redwoods and absolutely loved his wife Luella and his three wonderful grown kids and grand kids. He was indeed tall and had passed away not long after his beloved grandson Jake passed away in his early 20's with unknown causes before his wife Lou.  I told Maury, I had no doubt Uncle Carl was very proud of him and was watching over him, which Maury responded with "mom, you're making my knees weak."  He then asked me how I was doing, and I told him "Maury, I am happy where you are.  It feels like the right thing."  He proceeded to tell me he was thinking the same thing, especially when a man appeared at the large gathering to teach about Native American ways and how to make dream catchers. I knew when he came home, he would now be a man. Something deep and profound had changed inside him.

(Years ago, in many tribal cultures, when males reached my son's age, they'd have to go into the wilderness for a vision quest and be able to survive by themselves, often for days at a time returning as men, ready for a wife and teepee of their own.   Tragically, we obviously don't do this today, but I feel the trail crew, requiring weeks of wilderness living and hard physical labor was a close second, which I had each child attend.)

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Heart Felt From Yesterday's Post

Good morning to all,

This morning I received a very sweet email regarding yesterday's post.  My friend wrote:

"Yes, It's true....but it is let go! I can all be gone instantly as you say..a tornado! Or worse..and yet sometimes the things we have are what ground us and keep us connected...grandmother's embroidery, dad's watch, sister's picture, whatever...they are not just things at some point..those 'things' have become part of us..although I know you are right..I am not ready to lose my little treasures..little to others..of no monetary value..but each has a place in my memory and each evokes something special...but yes, you are right."

I couldn't agree more with her on how hard it is to let certain things go, because I, too have my attachments, such as:  pictures of my kids, their awards, my old Cannondale mountain bike, the Native American clothing, necklaces and pouches I've spent hours and hours making killing my back in the process which reconnect me back to the past, etc....but it just keeps coming to me, that it's more important to ground yourself to the earth and to the Universe (which will never go away) than to things.    The earth and the Universe will always be here!  (pending some unseen horrific event)  Often times, I'll sit in a pretty little spot and visualize myself as a tree, with roots coming out of my feet and being anchored to the earth, with light from the sun coming down into my head to make a total connection.  I remember this beautiful young aspen tree at Pearl Lake State Park (approx 35 minutes north of Steamboat) standing alone on this point by the lake by itself.  As I sat down next to it, I began to think about all the abuse that tree endured by the unimaginable forces of nature, such as the hard winds blowing across the lake, yet how that tree bends and goes with it, then stands back up again.  And how that tree and all the others hold incredible loads of snow on them, sometimes bending them into odd ways, but still they stand come spring.  I visualized that trees' roots and how they interconnect in the soil with all the others holding the ground in place preventing erosion.  Trees are amazingly resilient and have to go with the forces of nature holding on to the earth for dear life, and when their purpose is through, even their death adds nutrients back into the earth for future trees, plants, animals etc.....Trees are an amazing grounding force. .Just a thought to maybe consider.  Maybe you'll look at the trees in your yard in a new light. They give and give and give.  Shel Silverstein's book "The Giving Tree" says it all.   Namaste

Monday, July 25, 2011

Learning to Emotionally Let Go of Everything You Know, to Start From The Ground Up......

Hot Happy Monday Everyone,

  I hope this post finds you in a pensive mood today cause the message I am about to write about has come to me now through multiple ways and  I'm sure is for everybody as well.  I feel it is very important on a lot of levels at this time.   This is how it began:  1. my son-in-laws' newly bought VW Jetta blows its transmission requiring a whole new engine, 2. my daughter's two month old equine cell research project at the Vet School gets contaminated with a coccal bacteria from a disinfected fan destroying months of hard work requiring her to start over at ground zero,  3. at 48, I've begun a series of tests for a State job somehow progressing to the end stages, 4. watching people all over the world lose their homes and livelihoods to the environment and to the economy,  and 5. my dreams of disasters on multiple levels which  I''ll address later.

Something big is changing in our world and now is the time to let emotional attachments to stuff and schedules go.  I'm not saying to not be responsible or appreciate the things you have, but to understand in your heart all the physical stuff can disappear in the blink of an eye and if you don't let it go like the thoughts in your head, you will have a very difficult,  if not impossible road ahead adapting to the changes happening all around us and in the near future. The day Tessa's project was ruined she was obviously very upset after the hours and days it took to get it to the point it was, so we took a walk and talked about it.  I tried to stress the importance it's okay to be angry for a short time, but she had to let it go and start the next day ALL OVER with a fresh mind and fresh start.  We need to learn to be flexible, as our environment changes more and more everyday because if we don't change with it, it will weed us out so to speak and we need to be able to adapt.  Instead of holding "stuff" near and dear to your heart, hold the feeling of your loved ones instead and find happiness to have had the privilege of that person in your life.  Remember, the stuff makes life comfortable, but nature provides everything you need to live, once you learn how to see it!!  It's time to reconnect ourselves back to the earth where we came from to begin with.  Evolution in process 

Secondly, a lot of people I know live day to day, by set schedules, i.e:   wake up at 6, coffee at 6:15, leave for work at 7, break at 930 and on and on which is how most of society operates today.  The problem is, schedules have created a society of drones, terrified to think outside of the box,  with very little flexibility. That has got to change to adapt to the coming days. Try to change your schedule a little bit everyday and force yourself to contemplate subjects you're terrified to think about or topics you know nothing about.  Go out and do something scary, but fun and exhilarating at the same time, like I did sliding down Hahn's Peak.  Break out of the structured safe world you live in and be ready to start life all over if that scenario occurs in your life and let go inside to a Higher Power.  In other words, truly have faith.  Not just say you do, or "think" you do because you go to church, temple, whatever, but truly show you do, by letting go inside and being able to face any obstacle that appears in your life and take control of your life by learning about the natural world around you and embracing it. Empowering yourself with the knowledge that if something happened to your hard earned, safe home you'd be okay and would march on.  Learn how the aborigine cultures lived all around the world and try putting some of their knowledge into practice.  You'll be utterly amazed at how truly strong and smart they really were to have survived the brutal winters without modern day houses or without grocery stores and to have sustained for thousands and thousands of years.  Go out and learn to free your minds and open your souls to the forces surrounding you.  Namaste   


Friday, July 22, 2011

Cool Dream Connection with My Son & Daughter

Yeah, Happy Friday to all,

 Hope everyone is doing well and staying cool during these very hot times.   I'd like to share a really neat connection that occurred with my son early this morning.  Last night after a rough night of not being able to sleep from the heat and a stomach ache, I finally fell asleep at 6am this morning and began to dream.  Tessa and I were floating down a river having fun in the rough waves.  Suddenly,  a young grizzly bear appeared on the banks.and was staring right at me.  Tessa jumped out on the opposite side of the river, but the bear didn't bother her, because he was too preoccupied with me. To my dismay,  the bear entered the water and came right towards me. I instantly went to the bottom of a deep pool holding my breathe trying to avoid his claws and his teeth for what felt like an eternity.   The bears paws were just touching my head, when I woke up with this clear image in my mind.  I shared this dream with Tess as we walked before I left Fort Collins.

At 3 pm, I finally arrived home, hot and exhausted, but relaxed. At 4pm the phone rang.   It was my son Maury, who has been in high country all week working for Rocky Mountain Youth Corp building trails for a 5 week stint.  He proceeded to tell me, that at  6am or so this morning, the crew woke up to find a young bear trying to get into their food trailer so the kids had to chase him (or her) out and back into the wilderness.

Wow, pretty neat!   I have no doubt, I am staying near and dear to Maury at a soul level while he is out in the wilderness explaining why I am beyond exhausted when I wake up in the mornings. Funny thing is, I have always referred to my kids as my own two bear cubs, even tattooing a bear paw on my right foot when my oldest bear cub Tessa, grew up and left for college 3 years ago.  Still the bear is in our lives as is the connection to my son (& daughter) despite the distances between us.


Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Twin Souls, Soul mates and Relationships to End a Karmic Pattern

Happy very hot Tuesday everyone,  I'm here in Fort Collins, with my lovely daughter Tessa and her awesome boyfriend Javier (whom I call my son-in-law) until Thursday.  The temperature is around 95, with such high humidity it feels like the south all over again.  On my way here, I was honored to drive through Heaven once again.  Heaven to me, is the top of Cameron Pass at 10,249 feet, near the point of where the trees stop growing and the dramatic beauty of the Rockies, equals anything I have seen in Europe or Alaska leaving me speechless with only awe at the magnificence of nature. The surrounding mountains are very jagged, capped with brilliant white snow with the meadows leading up to the higher elevations exploding with color from the unimaginably beautiful wildflowers, such as:  lupines, columbines, purple fireweed, red indian paint brush and white globeflower to name only a few.  The air is so clean at the highest point, I try to fill my lungs with as much of it as possible, slowly releasing it back out, smiling to be a part of such a surreal place.

Throughout my many years of dreaming, I have come to learn, my dreams and their messages were guiding me to different aspects of my self found in my twin souls, my soul mate and to relationships that needed to find peace after past lives of total animosity (which unfortunately is still playing out this way.) This subject has been written about over and over, but I'd like to write about it as well, since I have personal examples of each, some good, some bad and others utterly heartbreaking, all being driven by following my soul and my night time dreams.

Often times twin souls and soul mates are referred to interchangeably but for me, they are very different.  I have two twin souls in my life;  my dearest friends Carla and Ranger Dick.  We are truly like three peas in a pod. (My kids, my two little bear cubs, have their own category, my life)   There is unconditional love among the twins, and all three of us live for the wilderness. Dick spent his career as a park ranger protecting his beloved Lake Earl, now known as Tolowa Dunes on the Pacific Coast, with me having the honor of being his park aide at times and spending countless hours hiking with him, and learning about the wildflowers from his endless bank of nature knowledge.  Dick and I can walk quietly for hours and be in total  peace together. It doesn't matter what I tell Dick, his love and friendship never wain and he has done nothing but support me throughout the 21 years we have known each other.  I have no doubt we spent many past lives as Native Americans together living peacefully in nature. Our relationship is simple, and one I cherish and give thanks for everyday. Dick is like a strong tree, with roots deep in the earth, always a good place to sit under for shade.  Then there's Carla.  My dear friend Carla. She too lives right on the Pacific coast in southern Oregon, on 40 acres overlooking the endless ocean. She and I are in a category by itself.  I would not have survived all of life's obstacles if Carla had not been there.  Carla & I are such twin souls that we learned 20 years ago, that our life scripts are the same, to the point of being utterly incredulous. Though we live three states apart now, we STILL follow the same script.  For example:  if her water system goes out, I know within a week ours will too.  If she is dealing with something dangerous in her life, we are as well.  We both get the same insights at the exact same time, and when I am out of touch, my Indian warrior spirit guide  appears to her to relay the messages to me.  We are sooo connected that when one has chest pains or a physical problem, within days the other will too.  All four of our kids know, that when one of us dies, prepare cause within a week, without doubt the other will too.  Carla and I are literally twin souls.  We even have birth mothers with the same name, and almost identical issues with our families.  If I need Carla, all I have to do is think her name and she calls me, pure and simple.  Carla, and I are what I refer to as truly the twin soul, just like twins born in the physical, but  in spirit.   Dick, Carla and I will carry on from lifetime to lifetime giving me strength knowing I will never be alone.

Karmic relationships are relationships, such as what my first husband Vern and I had.  He and I were brutal enemies in our past life ( he was in the military campaign against the Natives) and I hated him with everything I had, to the point I may have been responsible for his death 135 years ago. My feelings and emotions were so strong against him, that I could not spiritually grow if I did not face him again and find peace this time around.  Only after I had the two kids, did I realize the utter irony, in the fact he unknowingly fathered two kids with souls he helped murder his last lifetime. It's incredibly odd we even came together at all this time, because the differences (esp. with spirituality and facing life on its own terms) between us, were apparent almost right from the beginning and we conflicted on a daily basis from them.  Though we stayed together for 12 years and had some really nice moments with lots of conflict, I knew in my soul, there was still someone else "out there" I was longing for and needed to meet.  Unfortunately, Vern, my kids father and I  still can't work past the soul differences because he still seems unable to face truth and his arrogance is beyond reproach, though I have tried to communicate with him for the sake of the children.  He can't seem to even do that. His karma, his journey, his road. I have tried for years.

 Have you throughout your life, even while married "longed" for someone/something else "out there" though you didn't know who and what it was?  Have you felt a sorrow in the pit of your soul, an unspeakable loneliness in its depth?  Are you afraid of dying without ever feeling a love you've heard about but never had?  That is your soul, knowing the other side of itself is out there. The Yin longing for the Yang.

Wuthering Heights, Anna Karenina and even Legends of the Fall. These are the utterly devastating soul mate relationships. These are the hardest ones of all & the ultimate lesson in how to Unconditionally Love, for they are the opposite half of your soul. They do things and say things that you would never tolerate, but now you love them in your deepest part of your soul forcing you now into a world of discomfort-taking you out of your safe-zone emotionally.  

 This is exactly what happened to me with a man I call Michael in my book.  Michael, began appearing to me in my dreams years before we met (4 years to be exact), with each of us living on opposite coast lines.  The dreams began innocently enough, but soon evolved into a nightly emotional ordeal, with me waking up crying in the mornings next to Vern, at the grief caused by Michael's and my separating so we could each wake up.  When the soulmates come together at last, there is a total love, an ecstasy  and feeling of total oneness with the Universe, that you'll never have with anyone else again.  When I kissed Michael for the first time in 1998,  my thoughts were "I'm finally home." After having multiple boyfriends throughout my life and being married to someone else, I had found the other half of my soul. The journey took me to completion.    At least that's what happened to me. I don't want to reveal too much about the dreams that led up to finally meeting my soul mate, for that is what  my book is about, as well as our lives as Plains Indians but I will tell you this,  they emotionally take you to Heaven but can drag you to Hell as well.  If soulmates don't come back together healthy and intact, (which we did not) after the initial state of heaven of finding eachother, , the relationship descends into pure Hell, from its intensity and connection.  Then you realize you have to separate to save one self from descending into a place of no return yet the thought of not being with them unimaginable as well.   The soul mate transcends through time and space, and the love more pure than I can describe in words, yet the anguish is enough to bring you to your knees.  The soul mate haunts your thoughts and haunts your dreams no matter how hard you try to deny it.  

I am privileged to be able to leave this earth not only knowing who my soul mate is, but what it feels like to experience Universal love in the physical. Make sure you are really ready to meet your soulmate before putting it out there to the Universe because your life and your reality will NEVER be the same again.

"He seems to take pleasure in being mean and brutal. And yet, he's more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same. And Linton's is as different as frost from fire...."  .. Cathy from Wuthering Heights. 

(Many years have passed since I wrote this & to my surprise & shock, In 2015, I went on to meet yet another soulmate half way across the world in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe-Africa, 15 years younger than me. He's an African drummer/performing artist & now I can certifiably 100% say, my soul has stopped yearning for it's other half. He is now my third & final husband. The man I call Micheal I see now was a devastating relationship from the past with a soul too broken still to be in a healthy functioning relationship


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Time to Reconnect Our Native Souls Back to the Wilderness- ALL OF US!

As you can imagine, yesterday's revelation to my dream upset me more than I can explain.  A rage emerged deep within me, that came through time and space from my last life as Gall. The emotions were too reminiscent of what I experienced 20 years ago,  when I would go to sleep at night and go back in time to relive the terror that unfolded in my last life time as a Plains Indian,  causing me to wake up sobbing- experiencing grief at its core. Our bodies may change, but our souls do not and for me neither have the memories. The anger my soul experienced  as Gall, at the murder of my family, my tribe, my way of life came right through time and space when I read that article about the Native family that was attacked by the Neo-Nazis. How can this still be happening?

Yesterday afternoon, I had to go for a walk in our flooded county park, with our dog Leo,  to try to release the fury that filled my heart once again.  I walked on our pathway, now turned into a deep pond while Leo swam beside me in and out of the tall grass. The water was warm and the sky a brilliant blue with huge white puffy clouds above.  When the water came to my thighs, I stopped and put my arms up in prayer and asked for peace from the Creators, with my fossilized bear tooth necklace laying against my heart.  As I closed my eyes with my face up in the sun, I visualized pure white light coming from the heavens, entering through my head and spreading throughout my body, leaving through my feet, like the roots of a tree into the earth. I then said a prayer to the heavens asking for all the earth/native souls all over, to regain our strength, our memories, and our power and use the energy from the sky's and from the earth to fill our hearts and give us courage and honor once again. There is nothing more pure or powerful than the truths found in nature,  in the air, in the power that moves water and tells the herds when to migrate or the forces that create brilliant lightening storms.  (I don't believe inner connection comes from a book disconnected from the forces that give us life or go against the most basic truths of nature.) The aborigines, the people of the jungles and of the Plains and of the Deserts, lived by the strengths and laws of nature for thousands of years, and it is those truths we need to find once again, for our integrity and for our re-connection at the deepest level,  to a force much greater than ourselves.  It is time to regain our inner knowledge and power within ourselves, and with The Great Spirit's greatest creation, the earth in the wilderness and in the creatures. It is time to free ourselves and begin to live once again!!!!

Wakan Tanka nici un  (May the Great Spirit go with you and guide you)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Unbelievably sad follow-up to yesterdays post

Good morning to all,

In yesterday's post  I had asked for other possibilities to what my dream/nightmare could mean other than the two possibilities I presented.  Unfortunately, I got the answer this morning from my dear friend who happens to be Cherokee and teaches at Oklahoma State.  This is what she wrote: " When I was reading this
terribly sad entry, I was reminded of an article two days ago about a Native American family brutally attacked-they were arrested even though the nazi skin head thugs did the beating-it is such a sad story-pulled him from a truck-everything horrible-Maybe you were picking up on that somehow-so sad.
Take care...even if we try to keep our wits about us and think positively and be in touch, there are forces out there that are powerful and can cause great pain and injury-take care."

Needless to say, the hair on the back of my neck instantly stood up at her words. Due to my history of dreaming of events or things happening to the people around me, I "googled"  and  found the actual article which instantly made me feel sick.  The article is titled "Native Family is Attacked by Skinheads" and began at a gas station on I-80 in Fernley, Nevada. Unbelievably, a Native family of four was run off the highway by a carload of skinheads and assaulted this family.  It was the Native family that went to jail and the Nazis that essentially got off after this brutal assault of the Natives. Here is one article about it:

It appears to be a common practice to assault the Natives in Nevada and elsewhere near reservations. It appears I picked up on the energy from the hate groups that are assaulting the Native Americans, which totally infuriates me.   How is this being allowed to occur in America?  Where is the protection for our indigenous people and why are people like the Nazis allowed to continue to walk this earth?  Something is VERY wrong when Neo-nazis are protected and the Natives are hung out to dry.  What does this say about the soul of this country????????????   I really wish all the Natives would arm and empower themselves, because if they don't band together and protect themselves, obviously no one (meaning our gov't) will!!!  This has been the case for the last 200+ years and obviously nothing has changed.

Now, that the answer to that dream has come, I promise to write about a really insightful, positive post about soul mates vs. twin souls next to counter the negativity of this one.  Blessings to all -  especially to the Native Americans in this country!!!! Stand Up and Be Strong.. Remember the warrior history of your culture - of your people!!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Very Dark Scary Dream and Our Frequencies

Good morning to all,  I would like to say this blog is only going to deal with positive, feel good lessons but unfortunately that is not how it goes at the soul level.  There are all kinds of energies influencing our lives and I seem to deal with both.  Due to the ongoing struggle between the light and dark energies on earth, in spirit, in the sky, etc, I have always explained to my kids and friends how important it is to keep your frequency at such a level the lower energies can not find you or influence you. This is why:

Two nights ago I had one of the scariest dream/lucid experiences I have ever had, (terrifying in fact) and that says a lot coming from someone who frequents Hell and fights demonic entities at a soul level. This is what occurred:  It started as a normal dream with my husband Dane and I driving through Nevada on a road trip. We decided to stop for the night in a little town, that felt and appeared  totally normal and safe. We stopped before sundown.  (The one odd thing about this town though, was the motels had institutional type appearances, primarily built of cement blocks.)  Once we decided on which one to stay at, I dropped Dane off at the room door while I went and parked our truck. (remember my husband is Jamaican/black).  Once I found a parking space, I turned off the engine and  opened the  door to get out.  My instincts went screaming off the charts when I realized that EVERYTHING was now was pitch black, so black in fact, I couldn't see my hand in front of my face.  As I stood and become conscious in thought, I heard and felt a pulsating of pure, evil that was chanting from a army of entities coming toward me. Somehow, I knew they were after Dane.  The energy was completely devoid of light and full of HATE and I could feel it as it resonated like a sound wave in the air as it was approaching me. I instantly began to run in blind panic to try to get to Dane first, although I couldn't see a thing.  I could not even visualize light it was so dark in frequency.  The ominous marching kept getting closer and closer to me as I felt for the walls of the motel, but I could not see our room door to find Dane and protect him from what I knew hated him for his color.  As the unseen entities approached, still marching I realized I had no where to hide so the only thing I could do was run to the side of the building (using my hands to feel myself around) and hide in the alley.  As I crouched down, a glow from a torch appeared at the entrance of the alley, and I could see hideous looking creatures holding the torch looking at me.  I knew there was no where to go so I stood up and decided to act like I had absolutely no reason to fear them, and walked right past them, acknowledging them in the process, walking past the torch and the evil beings back into the darkness. I was untouched.  Once out of their view, I ran in the pitch black trying to find my truck and when I finally did, it was suddenly day light once again but there were four guys inside of it vandalizing it.  My wrath took over as I threw one of the guys into the air and began yelling at the other three.  They actually apologized for what they had done and when I forgave them, I begged them to tell me where the army took Dane, for I knew they had Dane.  I was not sure what they had done to him but I knew it was going to be bad.  When the guys told me where Dane had been taken, I jumped into the truck and stopped at an intersection about to turn in the direction they had told me so I could rescue him, when I woke up.  I could not help him after all!

I can honestly say, I was shaking when my eyes opened. I had never felt such evil before in the spirit state and still can't shake the sound of the marching as it approached me.  I can only interpret this dream in two ways, although if any of you have other ideas, please let me know.  One is, the possibility that something very dark and ominous is marching towards us in the future, that we don't realize is out there yet &/or two Dane has let his own frequency get so low he was able to be found by very dark entities that I wasn't even able to rescue him from. Think of frequencies like a radio channel.  You have to be on the exact same frequency or channel, say  93.7 to listen to pop or 107.3 for heavy metal.  It's the same way with Spirit.  If your frequency is high, only the enlightened, loving entities can find you and if your frequency is very low, all kinds of dark, scary beings are there as well.  For me, my soul travels back and forth to both, depending on what needs to happen.  Yikes.....a stern reminder for us all.   How's that for a thought?  

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Dream Showing the Many Paths to GOD (or for me The Great Spirit)

Happy Peaceful Sunday to all,  During these times of extreme weather and crisis's all over the world, it makes sense for people to come together as a community to overcome the tragedies and work as a tribe. Funny thing is, I've noticed especially locally how  instead of  banning together, people are segregating themselves based upon their religions. I have been told now by so many Christians that the Apocalypse is here (which means Judgment Day is near) and if you don't believe in the Bible, you are evil and going to Hell.  The meaning: "How can a Christian associate with someone who is not, especially during these times?"  This whole idea baffles me. How can the Christians be right, the Catholics be right, the Muslims be right and no one is wrong?  Well, maybe they are all right and all can either lead you to GOD, or by people's choices away from GOD depending on your choices.    (Personally, I just want to go back to a wild environment with teepees, Natives, and animals.  I would be home and I would be happy!  )    I'm not sure if it is noticeable in the big cities, but it sure is here in the country and something I can not understand regardless of what happens with our earth. 

In 1994, while living in Crescent City, CA,  we kept having different religious groups show up at our front door for a little proselytizing.  If it wasn't the Mormons, it was the Jehovah Witnesses, or sects of the Christian Church.  With each group of two,  I agreed with them, for every minute of my time they took telling me about the good book, they had to listen to what I had to say. Fair is fair.  Funny thing is, I ended up making good friends with a few of them despite our completely opposite set of beliefs.  They came from the Bible, or Book of Mormon perspective and I obviously come from a totally Native perspective....but they had good intentions so hey why not share and visit.  Well, one night after one of  these visits, I had a very clear dream regarding this matter.  What I feel is the truth was shown to me. It seemed the moment I closed my eyes all I could see was a HUGE wheel with spokes just like a bike.  In the center of the wheel was a circle with the word GOD.  On each spoke was the name of a different religion, such as:  Judaism, Christianity, Shintoism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and on and on, all the way around.  All leading to GOD.  On the outside of the wheel were all the things leading away from GOD, such as:  drug abuse, alcohol abuse, greed,  fear, control, lying, destruction of the earth, materialism, addiction, and on and on.  The message was clear, so clear in fact I was even able to draw what the saw the next morning, which does not happen often.

How I interpreted this was:  it is not the religion that is important, but the sincerity and integrity of our souls.  It is our actions and thoughts, that upon our physical passing send us to the matching frequency, where as God, or rather Wakan Tanka (the Great Spirit) is at the highest frequency and Hell being the lowest.  Remember, GOD doesn't send us to HELL, we send our selves there by all the things on the outside of the circle. We are held accountable for our life, if even by ourselves.


Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Dream: "It's Time For You to Learn How to Heal Your Body With Your Mind."

Crushed right foot, sprained rt ankle twice, dislocated rt knee 3 times, torn rt knee, shredded right thigh muscles from falling through a barn loft onto a table saw, torn and sprained back 3 times, broken rt arm, sprained rt hand, chest pains, severely angled spine, symptoms of multiple sclerosis, gall bladder pain and head concussions....are but a few of the injuries &/or illnesses I've sustained in my life from horseback riding, down hill skiing,  mountain biking, running, working, my brothers (yes each one contributed an injury by some means), poor eating and on and on...... yet, here I am strong and healthy still, at 48, despite being told by doctors I had "m.s, should be paralyzed from the waist down because of my spine's angle with my spinal cord, I'd never run again from my thigh injury and on and on......."  Needless to say, I discounted them all, mentally refusing the diagnosis, and determined to heal myself.  I am not going to play the role as victim to my own body or to the medical establishment. As my husband and kids know, when I can no longer heal myself or when my body is truly worn out, I will do as many tribal elders use to and take the journey in to the wilderness one last time and go to sleep. It's where I belong anyway.  I do not fear death for I know there is no such thing, only a rebirth into the spiritual for a while, then rebirth into the physical.  It's a continuous cycle as all things are in nature. I guess it's taking control of my own quality of life, having a deep connection back to the earth and having faith in my own spirits' abilities. We all have the same abilities if you only learn how to use them.

Approximately eight years ago, after countless injuries throughout my life, I had this dream:

"I woke up in a dark underground cave like hallway.  There are lit candles lining both sides of the passage way allowing me to see where I am going. I notice my odd looking shadow on the dirt walls from the flickering light.  As I ponder where I am, an old white man with a gray beard and bright orange robe approaches me out of the darkness.  As his piercing eyes stare into mine, he says to me "it is time for you to learn how to heal your body with your mind."   I instantly woke up startled at the clarity of his message and the look in his eyes.   

A few days after this dream, I flew to the Bay Area to be with my family. On the very first day of the visit my brothers and I decided to go rollerblading at Tilden Park, although I had never roller bladed before.  How hard could it be anyway, since I roller skated as a kid? I had no helmet or knee pads and no idea how to stop.  Almost immediately upon arriving to the park, our path took a harrowing steep descent.  Since I didn't know how to stop I had to scream to all the pedestrians in front of me,  to get out of the way so I didn't accidentally slam into them. Somehow, I stayed upright and survived to the bottom only to be seconds later grabbed and twisted around by my speeding brother behind me. My body went one way and my right knee stayed in the same position.  The swelling from the damage began immediately.  Needless to say, the rest of the day was spent in the Berkeley Emergency room with my mother.  There was nothing they could do except wrap my knee and give me pain medication (which I refused to take) until I got back to Steamboat to get to an orthopedic surgeon.  On the airplane trip back to Colorado, I was sitting in my seat groaning in agony at the pain in my knee.  A man sitting next to me, I had not noticed before, asked me what happened.  When I was through explaining, he asked me " Are you open minded because if you are I am in a group of higher learning in Long Beach and we learn how to heal our bodies with our minds.  Would you be interested to know how?"  After I got over my shock at hearing his words resonating after my dream, I said "yes, of course. How?" And this is what he explained to me:  

"You first must learn to quiet the thoughts in your head. Start by taking a lit candle and staring at it for 5 seconds with a totally empty mind, then 10 seconds, and so on until you can do it for a minute.  It's much harder than you realize.  Once you can do that, visualize the injury as it is- the torn muscles, broken bones, etc. THEN, visualize the actual internal injury healing cell by cell, muscle by muscle over and over each day and see what happens. Visualize the light from the son coming in through your head and flooding your entire body, healing it and making it strong again"  I thanked him sincerely for his advice and immediately began the visualization of my knee the rest of the ride home.

Within weeks, I then fell through a barn loft, 14 feet on to the table saw below with the blade in an upright position, completely tearing the muscles in my right thigh. After being told I'd probably never jog again and immediately thinking "BS, I will too," I began my second lesson in healing.  I forced myself to walk on our very isolated mountain road screaming in agony as my thigh tore in pain, yet healing at the same time. Within six weeks I was jogging once again.   Fifteen years later, not only do I jog, but my thighs are ridiculously strong from mountain biking.

 Know that your mind in conjunction with spirit is a VERY powerful force and is capable of amazing things if you only have faith in your mind and spirit and the desire to take control of your own body with a warrior spirit.    There's no guarantees you'll live to be 100, but for the days you are here, you will know you have lived and you have empowered yourself and truly showed your faith in a Higher Power.

Happy Healing to All

**On a very personal note, the only person I know other than myself, who has had this many injuries is my son Maury whose beautiful sports career went by the wayside due to excessive leg and hip injuries.  Even though he has had surgeries in both hips, he still has recurring pain so I have been trying to teach this visualization concept to him as well.  It is his choice on how seriously he takes it and how much he wants to heal.

(Please know, I do have many jars of herbs and plants I use for colds, flu's etc and at times use Advil, but for the life threatening stuff I have decided I either heal myself or die. If I am meant to live I will, and if I'm not, I have lived good but I will not die in a sterile, hospital environment financially destroying my family at the same time disconnected from nature.)  It's just who I am though obviously not the way for most.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Profound Dream With a Binary Code

Happy 5th of July Everyone,  I hope your 4th of July weekend was fun and relaxing.  Saturday was a day for the outdoors and spiritual revitalization which was found  hiking up a gorgeous mountain north of Steamboat called Hahn's Peak with my son and daughter (while my husband and practically son-in-law took our canoe and fished in the lake at the base.)  After Tessa, Maury & I  reached the top of Hahn's, which required climbing through snow, and rested (while leaning against the fire watch tower), the three of us decided to take a fast and furious way off the summit via. a huge steep snow field demanding to be used like a slide. Yep, while the more conservative hikers struggled down the broken shale summit, slowly, step by step, my kids and our dog and I, dropped down on our bottoms, shorts and all and went screaming down the mountain, laughing so hard I almost cried.  The 10 min descent to the summit base turned into 40 seconds for us! Maury, my son took the lead with our dog Leo & I in close second followed by my daughter who filmed us as we descended.  I can not tell you how much fun it was and how truly alive it made me feel despite exhibiting no dignity whatsoever.  We slid down every ice field we could clear to the bottom, wet, dirty, exhausted but smiling the whole time.  Life is too short to worry about the small stuff or what people think and I figure when there is a moment for outright craziness and fun, TAKE it for you may not get the chance again. LIVE LIFE & cherish moments like this.  Needless to say, by bedtime I was utterly exhausted and slept like a rock until my really profound dream/vision. 

I woke up in consciousness (while my exhausted body still slept) to only be able to see a circular code written with hundreds of small 1's and 0's starting from the center and coming at me in a 3 dimensional way constantly rotating.  The numbers were mostly in  black, but a few were also either white or red and seemed to jump out at me so I would remember them.  I even thought how odd it was I wasn't dizzy by their movement since I get horrible motion sickness by things like this. 

I woke up instantly with this image clearly embedded in my mind.  I spent hours yesterday researching the internet for an answer to what I was shown.  I began looking up vibrational frequencies, ancient languages, etc to try to explain the numbers and patterns.  Unbelievably, I found my answer this morning in an article about of all things, Crop Circles. Apparently years ago,  a crop circle appeared in England  with a binary code embedded inside. 

The same binary code I saw two nights ago.  The mainstream deemed the crop circle as a hoax, but I now know it was not, for I was shown the exact same image, with the same message. According to the article I read, this is what the translation was determined to say ""Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts and their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. Believe. There is GOOD out there.We OPpose DECEPTION. Conduit CLOSING (BELL SOUND)".

 Yikes, it seems like someone is trying to give us a message that maybe we should be paying attention to if I am understanding that correctly.

Have a good Tuesday everyone.  Remember, embrace the small moments in life and don't be afraid to have fun!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Listening to Our Spirit Guides and Reconnecting to the Earth........

Happy Friday to all !  I'd like to write about listening to our spirit guides, while we're sleeping or even while we're awake (as well as reconnecting to the earth.)   I have learned over the years that in order to be able "to hear" the guides clearly I must be in a higher vibrational state (or rather frequency),  which usually requires lots of time spent alone in the wilderness (which is the purest frequency), as well as pushing myself with very hard physical activity (i.e. jogging hard or mountain biking hard) and an attempt at healthy eating which is by far my downfall. (Most importantly, one must be as brutally honest as possible with yourself and others often times having to put aside one's ego and false beliefs just to be safe and comfortable,  being humble)   I realized years ago, that the healthier I am,  the more contact I have with the elders and Natives in the dream state, as well as a deeper connection to my inner Intuition (deep sense of judgment) when I am awake.  Years back, in one of my periods of disconnect, my dear friend Carla called me to say she had a message for me.  On my children's GOD given truth, this is what she said:  "Kerrie, you'll never believe this!  You know the Indian warrior that appears to you in your dreams, well he came to me last night instead. (she described his amazing physique & clothing) I asked him, why are you coming to me and his response was "I have a message for you to give to Kerrie."  Carla then asked him, why don't you tell her yourself?  He responded back "Because she can't hear me right now.  She isn't listening!  You need to tell her to start taking Metamucil right away." Then he was gone. 

Needless to say, I almost fainted at her words. Truly amazing how faithful and protective my Indian Warrior Guide really is. I was touched to the core.  Unfortunately, within a week, I began having severe intentional issues and yes, I had to begin using Metamucil.  The point is, I had let my frequency get so low due to my poor diet (eating lots of red meat) that my own spirit guide couldn't reach me.

Also, at times without me even understanding why, I will disconnect emotionally from the lessons being shown to me and that's when the Grizzly seems to appear in my dreams and ROARS into  my ears  to" wake  up." "PAY ATTENTION"  After one of these experiences, my ears were still ringing minutes after I woke up  from the fierce attempt to get me listen.

Now, I think it is imperative for us all to do the same.  We are at a very intense time in our existence and I really believe we ALL need to be able to HEAR our guides and to follow our intuition clearly. It's time to force ourselves to eat well (with very little meat if any at all unless it is wild game), exercise hard, make Peace with ourselves, face the issues within ourselves and to PAY ATTENTION to the world around us, and the messages given to us from a Higher Place. If you don't spend much time in the wilderness, begin to do so now and learn how to survive in the Wilderness as the Native Cultures did off the land as a Way of Life vs. wilderness survival from a white perspective.  Make Peace with the isolation and beauty and Reconnect with the Earth that literally gives and sustains your life.  Leave your cell phones home, Walk in Silence on a trail and feel the air, and acknowledge the gifts a single dandelion plant gives you, i.e. young leaves for a salad, roots for coffee or wine, yellow flower heads for frying.  Learn how to make coal beds to keep you warm at night, so you don't need a sleeping bag, or hold a fluffy cattail in your hands with the knowledge the fluff is awesome as kindling to make fires with, or the firm core to use as a toothbrush, and the stocks as arrows if in dire need.  Learn that everything you need to live, is given to you in Nature-FOR FREE if only you learn how to see. One deer alone gives you a hide for clothing, organs rich with oil for brain tanning, bones to make utensils or weapons with, deer toes for rattles and of course lots of food.  When you learn about Nature you realize you've been brain washed by Corporate America  to think you need them for your survival. Of course, that is not true- they need YOU to supply their diseased greedy souls.   Nature was here long before Microsoft and the X-Box and Nature will outlive them all. The more you learn about the Natural World around you, the less you'll want to destroy it

Lastly, always remember to acknowledge the importance of everything in Nature and give respect to anything you use, incorporating its' spirit with your own.
