Here it is a beautiful sunny November day and I am going to write about tsunami dreams. Unfortunately, I've had a number of them over the years, but three recently that were so clear and so vivid, like the one I had early this morning that I can't help think it's for a reason. The most recent have taken place in Southern California causing me to wake up in a semi-panic from their clarity like I did this morning. Here is what I dreamed:
I am sitting on a large boulder on the beach enjoying a warm, sunny day in southern California with my face up to the sun. The boulder is approximately 25 ft high and hundreds of feet from the water providing security and a raised viewing area. Suddenly, I notice the ocean coming in towards me at a very high rate of speed. The beautiful calm water is now brown and violent in appearance and absolutely menacing as it approaches the rock I'm sitting on; heading towards the beach full of people. Before I can scream a warning, the water approaches so fast I have only a second to realize it is a tsunami. I'm terrified I am going to be pulled off the rock into the abyss. I lay face down on the very top with my stomach as close to the rock as possible holding onto deep cracks with my fingertips, legs spread out with my toes wedged in anything I could find. I hold my breathe as the water comes up and over the top of me, momentarily dislodging my feet from security. My only thought was "I'm going to actually drown in a tsunami." After a moment the water begins to recede and I am still holding on while watching hundreds of people pulled into the ocean off the beaches and floating all around me. After a moment of chaos and terror, the water and rip tides quiet down just enough for me to jump off the rock and begin swimming as hard as I can to shore. I am praying no one grabs me or I don't accidentally swim over someone less strong as I. I remember even praying I wouldn't be noticed by a Great White to add to my other worries. To my surprise, I make it back to shore and run for a building that has hundreds of feet of stairs going up to a room up top. The top room is full of people and we are all happy to have survived the horror below. Then, I feel the room begin to move. The metal supports for the structure had been damaged by the water and couldn't take the weight of the people. All of a sudden, it drops at an unnatural angle, with me knowing we are about to free fall back in to the ocean. Then it happens. The room full of screaming people breaks free and falls toward the ocean. I consciously bend my knees hoping the impact won't shatter my legs. The room hits the ocean and I'm amazed to still be alive. I wait for the water and pressure to stabilize, then I break a window open with my legs and jump out into the water-which instantly caused me to wake up with my heart beating a million miles an hour.
I still can't shake the feeling and images of this dream. I've had two other really vivid tsunami dreams in southern California recently, which really makes me think all Hell is about to hit there, or maybe it is just symbolic of turmoil in my own life. I will say this though. The last time I had a serious of really vivid tsunami dreams was prior to the Indian Ocean earthquake & tsunami which plagued me night after night for months. When the tsunami actually happened I had a few years of peace, only to have them begin again prior to the Japanese earthquake/tsunami, then a little peace and now they've started back up. Yikes. It's funny because I love the beauty of the ocean, but for some reason I really like the idea of it, far away from me now.
Just a note - Even though I do seem to know way out before a big ones hits, I can't help but wonder if I died in a past life by a tsunami causing me to be so sensitive to them now. Just a thought.