Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving Thoughts.......................and Reflections on the Original Inhabitants

Happy Peaceful Thanksgiving to all,

   In today's world, Thanksgiving is a time to be with our loved ones for a day of laughter, fun and lots of delicious food, or just for quiet thoughts.  For me, it is also a time to reflect on the approximately 91 Native Americans that helped feed and keep the pilgrims alive in 1621, and the consequences of doing so.   The Natives' knowledge and kindness helped keep the pilgrims alive through a winter they surely would have perished in, not for the local aboriginals.  As most of us now know, that was essentially the symbolic beginning to the end of the Native culture and lifestyles that had been here for hundreds if not thousands of years.
     The pilgrims arrived with a religion completely foreign to the people of the earth.  The new white race forced their foreign religious beliefs by  the use of violence, deception and sickness, wiping out thousands if not millions of the people that kept them alive through that original winter. The white race had begun a cultural genocide that spanned for the next 200 + years, to a people that lived as wild, fierce and free as any of the wild animals, leaving the earth with very few footprints found left on the earth.
  Once, the original native cultures were destroyed, the white religious mentality carried on by next destroying the environment (justifying it in the name of capitalism and greed) and wild animals (that get in the way of profiting from the natural resources), with the obvious consequence of eventually killing ourselves.
     Once you spiritually and mentally remove yourself from the earth, that provides the resources for our homes, the food that sustains our bodies and the water that is the life blood for not only the earth, but our bodies as well; it  makes it easier to destroy, eventually leading to our own demise.
  I ask anybody that is reading this, to please just take a moment and really understand the importance of the earth to our own lives and spirit, and to thank the Gods for providing everything we are about to eat and drink and for the kindness of the earth people that fateful day..
