Tired and disoriented, I drove slowly down through Oak Creek canyon in total awe of the colors and scenery in front of me, heading toward Sedona. The deep red iron color of the rocks, adorned with mulberry, elderberry, alder, narrowleaf, cottonwood, boxelder, cherry maple, and mountain willows too incredible to believe. Many of the trees had leaves in the process of losing their color of life, evolving into every shade of yellow and gold imaginable. To add to the contrasting colors and drama of the environment, snow had fallen the night before frosting the tops of the sandstone rock formations and trees with a pure white magical covering. I have never seen anything like it. The cars behind me were getting aggravated with my slow moving vehicle, not understanding, I was embracing the thought of being in heaven. I could only think, it looked like a cross between Steamboat Springs and Moab, Utah (my own personal haven.)
Tired, dirty and disoriented, I finally pulled into my home for the next week at The White House Inn motel on 89A, thankful I had survived. Much to my dismay, I soon learned I was not able to check in until 3:00 pm, so I had 3+ hours to do something in my disheveled, exhausted state. I noticed a little crystal shop right next door demanding to be investigated, so I decided to kill a little time and walked over there.
I wandered over to the bumper stickers, and instantly saw one I should have bought for my daughter and myself. It was a picture of the forest and it said "this is my church." I couldn't have said it any better. Then I wandered over to the book section, glancing down at the Mary Summer Rain No-Eyes series, which I've had for years. Then I picked up two books on Shamans, which I connected to instantly, then put back down on the shelf, thinking "why would I pay for something I all ready do on my own?" Still feeling really removed from reality after my 6 hours of missing time, I began to worry a little bit about where I was mentally, questioning, if this is what it feels like to lose your mind. Just then, I heard a piercing sound wafting through the store. A sound so pure, instantly connecting to my soul. I slowly stood up and began to walk very slowly to the sound calling me in my core, grounding me, bringing me completely back from the the spirit world. Not twenty feet in front of me, was a man playing a beautiful Native American song on a wooden flute displayed for sale. I noticed he was looking at me and as I approached him I couldn't help but stare back. I was mesmerized. He sounded like R.Carlos Nakai. When he finished his song, I thanked him for such a beautiful gift and for bringing me back. He said "you're welcome" and introduced himself as Tom, known as Tom White Bear. Within minutes, it was obvious we came from the same place with a very similar spiritual journey. He said he was in town to be in a concert given by his friend Shekina. I, looked at him in shock at his words. "Did you say Shekina?" He replied yes. At that point, I almost fell over.
I explained to him how I had just heard his name and Shekina's two days prior in northwest Colorado, from my friend Mary, though I had never listened to either of them before. Mary was driving the 10.5 hours to Sedona just for him and Shekina, yet it was I, standing here with him, thanking him for his gift to me. Moments later, beautiful and ethereal Shekina walked over to us, whereby Tom introduced us to one another and for the next 30 minutes we had an amazing discussion about all kinds of cool metaphysical things few people outside Sedona would understand. He said he was part of the grizzly clan, originating from the Pleiades. I instantly pulled the socks off my feet, and showed him my grizzly bear paw tattoos on each of my feet, one for each child. My two little bear cubs. I explained I, too seem to be a part of the bear clan, shown to me so often with my dreams at night, of the grizzlies surrounding and protecting me. I explained how I have also woken up in the presence of the Pleiadians, and feel very thankful to them for my protection. I noticed, the high pitch ring in my right ear had gotten even higher and I knew meeting this man was no accident.
After our re-uniting in this world, I thanked him & Shekina for their gifts, and right before they drove off, he handed me a CD as a present. I looked at it with in credulousness. At the center of the CD , there in front of my eyes was a huge grizzly bear standing up looking at me, with the words "From the Ancients" printed across the top, and Mato Sapha (Black Bear) at the bottom, though he has since changed his name. As Tom and Shekina disappeared from view, I humbly looked up at the sky and thanked the native elders and the grizzlies for letting me know they were with me every step of this journey. Wakan Tanka nici un -May the Great Spirit go with you and guide you!!! Mitakuye oyasin – [mee-tah-koo-yey oh-wass-in] - We are all related. Pilamaya ye (thank you).