Friday, November 25, 2011

Powerful Dream to Alleviate Fears of Dying................................

Two nights ago, I had yet another tsunami nightmare/vision, again taking place in Laguna Beach, CA.  Very strangely, even for myself, this was the 3rd one in the same location.  I have not ever had this happen before, which puts me on alert for this area or just for southern California.  The difference with this dream though, is the message I was given at the end.  It was very profound and I am thankful to have been shown things I may not have totally believed before.   (note - I know Laguna well from the many family vacations we took there as a child.  On one such vacation when I was 9 years old, I was playing in the waves, when a sudden freak storm hit, causing very high waves and a strong rip tide. Instead of being thrown on shore like everyone else, I was sucked out into the ocean.  It did not occur to me that I should/would drown. As the huge swells approached, I  held my breathe and dove safely under each one, over and over until the life guard was eventually able to reach me approximately 10 minutes later and take me back to shore.)

Here is my dream:

I am in a structure on the hillside overlooking the ocean in Laguna Beach, CA. The structure begins to vibrate which makes me instantly run out of it and up the stairs to the top of the cliff, overlooking the ocean. Suddenly I notice, the calm, serene ocean turning violent with a huge tide approaching out of nowhere.  The waves slam the innocent bystanders on to the sand, contorting their bodies in every unimaginable position.  I stand there horrified at what I am witnessing, but because I am so high up, I can do nothing to help the victims in their mangled positions.  As the water recedes, I clearly see bodies right below the surface laying face down floating along the shore.  I turn and start running down the street frantically searching for the police or someone to tell, since I don't think emergency services knows what has just occurred. In my frantic state, I realize I don't have to run, but rather I know how to fly in my dream state, whereby I lift off the ground and start to fly.  Something in me, wants to go back and look down again and see if there are survivors in the water and as I turn....I'm suddenly in a barren room and there is a man just sitting in the corner.  I consciously remember that in the dream state, the wall is just an illusion and my spirit will be able to go right through it, if I just think of my body in a fluid state.  As I approach the inner wall to permeate, I notice the blank stare of the man sitting there watching me. Strangely, I can't seem to get through the wall. I try again and again, but for some reason I'm stuck.

 Next scene- There is an operating table right in front of me and laying on the table is a deceased elderly woman. She appears very peaceful, with even a slight smile on her lips, but she is obviously dead.  I am now in a very highly aware state and notice the details of the white gown she is wearing, and the relaxed age lines on her face and the lighting in the room.  Suddenly, a male angel appears over me. He smiles this beautifully kind smile to me, and my first thought is "oh my God, he is an angel." The angel gently explains to me (knowing my angst at not being able to help the tsunami victims), that no matter how many people die or from what, everyone has an angel by their side to help transition them from this world to the other world. As he speaks, I see the young, beautiful spirit of the elderly woman rise out of her body, linger over the aged vessel she just left, and ascend to the heavens above. The male angel made sure I understood, there is truly nothing at all to fear in death, and that when things happen, killing a few or a lot, it's the way things are supposed to happen; And most importantly, to have faith, knowing all souls are being loved and looked after.

I woke up with very conflicting emotions.  I was still a bit shaken by the visual images of the tsunami, but also had an odd comforting feeling at the thought of angels around each and every one of us, feeling honored this male angel shared with me this precious insight.  Hopefully, this will provide peace and an inner comfort to those who read this, allowing yourselves to live free of fear of the afterlife, and to know everything is as it's supposed to be. I say, live free inside, laugh (alot) and love with the depth of your heart.
