Saturday, December 17, 2011

Dream....Angels in the Sky

Hin hanni waste (good morning in Lakota) It's early morning; so early it's still dark outside....but I had to get up and write about this dream before the memories go away.  This is what I dreamed or rather what I was shown:

I am standing outside with a Native American man. The man is laying prone on the ground, looking up at the sky with binoculars.  When I glance to look up above me, I see cloud angels everywhere. Hundreds of them. The brilliant white clouds are in the form of actual human appearing angels with big, puffy cloud wings, spread open; throughout the sky, looking down at the earth.  In fact, one male angel in particular is so clear you can see the outline of all his abdominal muscles and the very distinctive loving expression upon his face.  I am in such awe, but for some reason the view for the Native American man isn't the same. I have him come over to where I am standing so maybe he can see the angels clearer. His view doesn't come in to clear focus, yet  every time I look up, I see nothing but angels. It's so beautiful because I can feel, we are loved by them, despite what happens here on earth. As I continue to watch them, I think to myself "I could never be afraid to take the Great Journey knowing what is on the other side.

Then my eyes opened up into my darkened room with a deep, warmth and love in my heart.  I see now how lucky I am to be able to experience the other side in the dream time, because it alleviates fears in my heart and allows me to live spiritually freely inside. Free of the trappings of our society.  The Creator is totally free of materialism, fear, control, greed, "stuff", etc...and the more we let go of these illusions, the closer we are to GOD.

May you walk today with a smile and lightness in your heart.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Very Pissed Off Grizzly Bear Totem................................(& Losing Faith)

Happy very beautiful Wednesday to Everyone,

Last night I had a very powerful dream/nightmare that shook me up enough to put me back on the "good red road." Before I tell you about my dream, let me share what occurred yesterday. As I mentioned, I am once again re-editing my book, trying to get it ready to submit to a mainstream publisher vs.a self publisher becoming very frustrated in the process. In order, to let go of some of the tightened nerves, I decided to take Leo (my dog), and go to our local county park for a jog. At about the 1.5 mile mark, I started thinking once again about the spiritual journey that my book is about and questioning the whole series of events. Here I had the most amazing events occur over a number of years;  gifts from the Creator, and now I'm doubting it all together. My disheartening thoughts, killed my drive to continue jogging, whereby I ended up walking slowly back to the car, instead of enjoying the gorgeous day with an exuberant little exercise.This is what I dreamed last night:

I wake up (mentally) into the aware state to find I am standing in this fully enclosed cement room, that strangely has a dirty pool of some type in the middle of it. Instead of beautiful aqua green or baby blue water (symbolizing a pureness in spirituality), this water is tinted brown; like a dirty river. Suddenly, a huge grizzly bear (my totem & protector) appears on the other side of the pool.  I instantly notice it is terrifyingly staring at me and I can tell by its' body language I am its' intended target.  I do not feel safe in the least by its' presence, like I have many times before, but rather scared s_itless and jump into the pool to escape its attack as it approaches me.  To my horror, the bear jumps in after me.  I take a deep breathe and dive to the bottom of the pool. As I turn to look up, there are his huge paws and head only feet from my head -he is diving too, chasing me. I instantly knew what a seal feels like, trying to escape the grasp of a polar bear.   I attempt to make numerous furtive movements to avoid the behemoth, but to my horror he can hold his breathe as well. I thought for sure I was a goner. I could feel his wrath and fury at me.Thankfully, the dream ended with me jumping out of the pool, escaping being caught by the monster in the water.

When I woke up, I could hardly breathe and  my knees were shaking.  What have I done to anger my totem so much?  I laid awake for an hour after this vision; my adrenaline pumping too hard to sleep.  I finally got up at 7:00 am to make my son's breakfast. I shared with him, what I had dreamed.  

His first comment to me at the end of my story was, "mom, you've pissed off your totem."  Indeed he was right, and I knew it.  Upon reflection as to why, it finally dawned on me. I started losing faith not only in myself, but the gifts the Great Spirit (& warriors & grizzlies) have given to me in the dream time.  The moment I realized this, I had to stop where I was and say a silent "I am really sorry to all of you." I will not question my journey again.  Wow--powerful message and powerful totem.  The grizzly is a powerfully massive creature, not to be reckoned with and hopefully I have learned my lesson. 

(Unbelievable, I just reviewed my beginning post . The very first post is about an angry grizzly for my questioning back then.  I guess it takes some of us longer than others to learn spiritual lessons and I am definitely one of them).

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Journey to Sedona....Past Life Regressions-Back to the Native world part 6

Dear All,  Merry Peaceful Holidays.

 I am really sorry for the time I've taken off between posts.  For some reason, a host of issues arose in our home and our life, forcing me to deal with everything before I could concentrate on writing again. I am still re-editing my book, with my perfection issues making me crazy (er) , but due to the gentle (& sometimes not so gentle urging by a number of people to get it published) I am attempting to have it completed by the end of this week. In all honesty, I am very pleased with it, and somewhat amazed I even wrote it. Hopefully, others will feel the same.

Back to the journey in Sedona, and the regressions;  fortunately the next two regressions were much more positive to say the least and the results astonishing. In our next group regression I was sitting comfortably in a chair with my dear friend T laying down on the floor next to my left foot.  What occurred next is truly amazing:   Rainey, our instructor gently mentally guided us to drop down from the the symbolic Corridor of past time in the sky.  I fell to the earth and when I stood up, I looked down at my legs to see skinny, short legs as black as the night. I was now a male African warrior, with only a thong on my body.  The weeds under my feet were golden honey colored and stiff as sticks. I instantly noticed how small my calloused bare feet were, and how little my ankles and thighs appeared, without one ounce of fat, but defined by sinewy muscle. My eyes slowly moved up to see a small mud, stick hut in front of me, that I knew was mine. I knew I had a big dark head dress I wore with other warriors,  when we ran through the desert from place to place, explaining my skinny muscled legs.  I also knew we ran in rhythm for miles and miles without saying a word to one another,  lost in the other world, where pain and suffering don't exist.  I went inside the door of my hut, and instantly noticed how dark it was inside, without any kind of noticeable opening for light, other than the doorway to the outside. (probably to keep animals out). Sitting on the floor was my little, black African wife grinding some kind of wheat or grain on a stone, doing a quiet repetitive circular motion, not paying any attention to me.I felt I cared for her deeply.

 Moments later, my conscious mind heard at least three individuals in our class, snoring! My brain instantly left Africa and completely woke back up in class, disappointed I was not able to experience more. A few minutes later, Rainey had us all sit back in a circle and describe what we experienced. As soon as I began sharing my descriptions of my hut and wife, T, laying next to me, went "oh my God, that was me.  I was just in a mud hut in Africa grinding grain for my husband." We looked at each other in utter astonishment and burst out laughing.  She even described her skinny little legs and the surroundings. I suddenly understood why she looked so familiar to me, from the first time I saw her and why we got along so well instantly. My spirit recognized her's from a life time away in Africa. It also explains my love for the movies Out of Africa and Born Free.  This turned out be one of many lifetime we shared together...........

 When T and I had time to talk alone privately and discuss this relationship we once had as husband and wife, we decided to try to regress each other that afternoon for the one on one session.  Needless to say, it was an utter failure.  The energy between us was out of control and totally distracted the both of us causing us to laugh like young children.   The connection and past life memories came screaming back to us, but this time it was as Plains Indians.  We knew we had reunited once again, from a place we both loved and from a place we were both very happy in. We could not successfully regress one another, but later when my  friend J regressed me, this is what I experienced.
As I walked through the symbolic doorway, I noticed I was now tracking an antelope on a grassy plain. I was looking intently at the ground for the animal's tracks. I was again a male Native American warrior, with long black hair and bare feet. In the next event, there was a big celebration around a fire, with the males that were successful in the day's hunt dancing to the rhythm of the drums. I remember being very proud of my kill and of my maleness as a warrior, as were all the warriors.  Sitting right off to the side, is a beautiful woman with long black hair and a buckskin dress smiling and flirting with me as I dance.I taunt her staying just out of her reach. When J, takes me to the next event, I am now in this girl's teepee laying on a buffalo hide beside her.  We are laughing and having fun. I am proud to be a male. When J, asks me if there is someone in this lifetime, I recognize today, I instantly KNOW the beautiful woman on the buffalo hide with me is T.  I am so happy in this lifetime, living free and hunting to feed the tribe.  I do not want to come back. 
Wow!  When J brought me back to the present, at first I smiled at the love in my heart, but soon my heart got very heavy at the thought of the beautiful, happy life I once lived with T and the tribe, as a Plains Indian warrior that I no longer live in. Ooochh.  I don't remember the feelings of loneliness there or confusion as to my role in society, nor questioning where the food came from or what was in it. My life there was real, and pure with zero ulterior motives or desires (such as money, and ownership) and we lived free.


Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Journey to Sedona..My Past Life Regressions-Back to the Native world (part 5)

Due to privacy issues, I'd love to share in detail some of the past life experiences of my classmates, but out of respect I will not, but I will share in detail my own past life regressions and some overall lessons for today's life, by everyone. It's important to know that before the actual regression begins, a long time is spent doing mental and physical relaxation techniques and releasing the mental need to analyze. Once the regressor feels you are relaxed and have done some practice sensory exercises, you are walked down a hallway, and through a symbolic door to your past.  This is what I saw and experienced:  (My first past life group regression)

  As I exit the symbolic door, I look up to see,  I am now standing in a big Indian village.  The teepees and people are as clear to me as the snow outside my window. I look down at my legs and feet, and they are slender and mocha brown. My body is strong, lean and muscular and I am male. I notice the hair hanging down on my shoulders is so black, it is almost gleams blue. My body is covered in buckskin. I look over and see strips of meat hanging on a wooden drying rack high enough so the dogs can't get it, being smoked by the embers of a fire underneath. I can smell the jerky as the scent enters my nose.  It smells like home. I see men sitting around carefully chipping rocks into arrowheads. There are children running and playing all over. The day is good. When Rainey tells us to go to our first event in this lifetime, I am now inside the teepee rolling and laughing with one of my wives and two of my children on a buffalo hide. I am so happy, so in love. I feel guilty I do not show all my wives this affection. Then Rainey, tells us to go to the second life event.  I am now in battle, chasing a white man that is a leader against us. In the middle of the pursuit, I think back to our village and instantly know I should not have left  and with horror in my heart, turn around and go back. It is too late, my whole family is dead. It's too much for me to bare. I don't want to do this anymore. Then third life event.  I am a broken man. It's hard for me to speak through the anguish. When I hear Rainey, say "Do you have a message to yourself for this life" I hear the words from the broken me, say "Do Better Than Me."  When Rainey asks us "is there someone you need to forgive in this life?" I respond silently to myself "I will never forgive the wasicun (white) man for what they done" and that was all I could take.  I forced myself back to the now and opened my eyes.  I wanted to run outside up the trail to the safety of the mountain side and cry like a baby, but I didn't.  I was afraid I'd go back to my life as Gall, and I did.

After this morning, we then broke into groups of 3 for afternoon regressions. My kind classmate named G, the only other one from Colorado, was the first one to regress me one on one, E taking the notes: This is what occurred.
The symbolic doorway is instantly an oval teepee door entrance that I am leaning over to get inside to.  The teepee is almost dark inside from so much black smoke covering the walls, despite the fact I know it is day.  The smell of smoke is thick and hangs in the air. I am home.  As instructed, I look down at my feet and see moccasins on them with long black feathers attached to the toes. My body is strong, lean, tan and I am a younger man. I can't see my black hair cause it is covered by a black feathered headdress. I am wearing a leather thong, my chest is bare. In my strong hands I hold a rattle, shaking it.  I am a Shaman. I am alone. My teepee is a distance away from the tribe, because the magic is too strong for others to be near. I spend so much time in spirit world, praying for the tribe and making magic. I try to guide the tribe. I lead the ceremonies for the people.  I sleep on a bear hide and there is bear skull by my fire. Food is brought to me by the people, since I do not hunt. I eat buffalo, birds, berries, roots. I eat by myself on a rock. I walk to move to other places. I spend much of my time in prayer. The Shaman is a man of power, a great responsibility. When Gina asks me where I am, I respond with "South Dakota." When she asks me to go to 1st event, this is what I see. The tribe is hungry. I can't do anything. There is no game. I am very sad. Where did the animals go? We're going to freeze. It's bad. It's very bad. The tribe is getting sick. They are hungry. The young ones are dying. I feel very bad I can't help them.  2nd event:  People are crying and screaming. The women are crying & screaming because they are sick and hungry. Old ones are dying. The tribe is forced to eat the last remaining horses. It's a bad year.   3rd event:  I don't want to be here any more.  Too much sadness. I feel broken. The tribe is all dying. I want to die with them. It's almost over (the world for me and my people). I'm alive, but I don't want to be. Gina asks me how I die: "I freeze to death. They are all dead. I'm one of the last of the tribe. People are frozen in the snow.  My last thought: "We are done." When Gina asks me what I see after spirit leaves body:  "I can see all the frozen people and animals. How did this happen?" When Gina asks me the purpose or life lesson:  "No lesson. to live. I just lived.  I couldn't help them. When Gina asks what are my happiest moments:  Dancing and singing. Saddest moments: When we all died. When Gina asks if I could have done anything better: "I did everything I could. I always helped others."  When Gina asks, are there people in this lifetime that are now in current lifetime:  "My friend Mary and Catherine."  "I have a headache now. Stabbing in my head." I ask the guides for help. When Gina asks me, if there is a message to me for now, I respond: "To live, to be free."  Message to the person I once was: "I'm sorry. I'm sorry you died like that." Current life Balance of that life:  "I don't know."  As I was coming back, all I could say to G and El was "it sucked" (watching my people die).  Needless to say, upon awakening it took me a long time to recover from this. It took hours to release the memory and emotions of that lifetime.  I wasn't sure how much more of the regressions I could take, dreading to take another--yet now understanding why the Shaman way is so natural for me still and the world around me completely foreign. I instantly understood why I can't handle being confined in buildings or in groups of gossiping people. I have spent most of my time alone, in prayer, in the Spirit World.  I still do!!!!!

I will continue to the next two positive (very happy) regression experiences later--both as warriors. It is hard for me to even write this bringing back the soul sadness for that time.

The Journey to Sedona....My Amazing Class.....................................(part 4)

Today the skies are heavy, full of snow, lightly falling and finally covering the last of our green grass.  A perfect morning to hibernate and write about, not only my amazing past life regression class, but the most metaphysically powerful group of people I've ever been around in my whole life. I didn't go there expecting anything metaphysical per se but it sure ended up that way.  Let's just say, by the end of the week, I had no doubt I was sitting among a counsel of enlightened ones, having made the pact to come together many lifetimes ago.

 On the first day of class, a beautiful young woman with long brown hair and ethereal blue eyes walked into the sliding glass door of our magical room.  I'll call her "T". T's face was so distinctive and radiated such a purity, and innocence, my very first thought was "star child." Then I took notice of the instructors assistant, I'll call J.  J, too emanated peace and kindness and a type of mystery and inner strength to her, completely veiling the advanced soul she really is and her humorous nature screaming to come out. Another amazing woman soon walked in, I'll call L. L  had dangerously striking blue eyes set deep in her face, with really high cheekbones and an expression that resonated fierceness, from deep within her soul. (By the end of the week, when I recognized her soul from "the past," the expression on her face made perfect sense and left me in awe to her power & to the part she played in the history books. She was known as: Tashunke-Witke & the resemblance is striking still ).  Then there was El, my motel roommate.  She was the antithesis of me in her femininity, a true lady with a kind life outlook with a need for perfection to the energy in our home for the week. A beautiful soul with a guarded aura. And then there was a quiet, reflective man I'll call E. E and I seemed to have problems with dealing with so much energy in the room,with our "empath" abilities (meaning being incredibly sensitive to the energy/frequencies and emotions around us).  We had to sit next to each other at times and touch each other's shoulders or knees to help the other one ground, which I was very grateful for. And then there was a beautiful classy black woman named M. M demanded respect and carried herself with total class and style. Her laughter created the rooms' frequency to rise to an even higher level than it all ready was. And of course, wise ole D. D is a wise, gentle woman from the South, with a kind and simple outlook on life. As the week wore on, I recognized her as one of the "Ancient Ones" to be sure.   There were 8 more amazing women in this class in addition to the ones I listed above that  I could literally write a page on each, but I will do my best to refrain or I'll never get the story finished. At the beginning of the week, I was totally ignorant to how special each and every person in the class really was.    Very interestingly, I did notice right away that a few of the ladies had energies that conflicted with mine a bit, throwing a little spiritual challenge at me, but the amazing thing is, by the end of the week, I knew that somehow all the energies of everyone were needed to keep the balance of the group. I have never experienced such a powerful yin yang group in my entire life & sure I never will again.  The Balance!

On this first day, we had to introduce ourselves and talk a little bit about who we are, our lives and the journey to get to Sedona. After hearing about the obstacles a number of  people had to deal with to get to Sedona, I hesitantly shared my story of the missing time adventure.  Stupid, I know, but I did. I knew it would scare many, or make them question my sanity, but I took a chance anyway, cause I knew anyone aware enough of the star people would instantly recognize what had occurred to me.

 There was one introductory story, I would like share, (although I am going to change a few facts to protect her privacy) due to its importance to what occurred, once we began regressing and regressing others; one of the most amazing life lessons of all. A tall, very pretty blonde woman began telling the story of having to raise a grandchild that she had not planned on in her life. She expressed to the class, she couldn't understand why life presented her with the challenge of raising a disabled child at her age (near 40) and she was slightly resentful at having to do so. We all listened attentively to her hard, and humbling story touched by the challenges she was now presented with. She went into detail regarding the babies handicap, which is instrumental to know, in retrospect to what occurred in one of her past lives.

 Once the standard class introductions were finished and Rainey went over the basic aspects to the class, we were then required everyday to regress someone (who always had to be different) and to be regressed everyday. The mornings were spent doing prayer/meditation, then a group past life regression and the afternoons were for one on one regressions until the evening portion of our class began.  It was astonishing what was revealed in every regression.   (please go to part 5)