Dear All, Merry Peaceful Holidays.
I am really sorry for the time I've taken off between posts. For some reason, a host of issues arose in our home and our life, forcing me to deal with everything before I could concentrate on writing again. I am still re-editing my book, with my perfection issues making me crazy (er) , but due to the gentle (& sometimes not so gentle urging by a number of people to get it published) I am attempting to have it completed by the end of this week. In all honesty, I am very pleased with it, and somewhat amazed I even wrote it. Hopefully, others will feel the same.
Back to the journey in Sedona, and the regressions; fortunately the next two regressions were much more positive to say the least and the results astonishing. In our next group regression I was sitting comfortably in a chair with my dear friend T laying down on the floor next to my left foot. What occurred next is truly amazing: Rainey, our instructor gently mentally guided us to drop down from the the symbolic Corridor of past time in the sky. I fell to the earth and when I stood up, I looked down at my legs to see skinny, short legs as black as the night. I was now a male African warrior, with only a thong on my body. The weeds under my feet were golden honey colored and stiff as sticks. I instantly noticed how small my calloused bare feet were, and how little my ankles and thighs appeared, without one ounce of fat, but defined by sinewy muscle. My eyes slowly moved up to see a small mud, stick hut in front of me, that I knew was mine. I knew I had a big dark head dress I wore with other warriors, when we ran through the desert from place to place, explaining my skinny muscled legs. I also knew we ran in rhythm for miles and miles without saying a word to one another, lost in the other world, where pain and suffering don't exist. I went inside the door of my hut, and instantly noticed how dark it was inside, without any kind of noticeable opening for light, other than the doorway to the outside. (probably to keep animals out). Sitting on the floor was my little, black African wife grinding some kind of wheat or grain on a stone, doing a quiet repetitive circular motion, not paying any attention to me.I felt I cared for her deeply.
Moments later, my conscious mind heard at least three individuals in our class, snoring! My brain instantly left Africa and completely woke back up in class, disappointed I was not able to experience more. A few minutes later, Rainey had us all sit back in a circle and describe what we experienced. As soon as I began sharing my descriptions of my hut and wife, T, laying next to me, went "oh my God, that was me. I was just in a mud hut in Africa grinding grain for my husband." We looked at each other in utter astonishment and burst out laughing. She even described her skinny little legs and the surroundings. I suddenly understood why she looked so familiar to me, from the first time I saw her and why we got along so well instantly. My spirit recognized her's from a life time away in Africa. It also explains my love for the movies Out of Africa and Born Free. This turned out be one of many lifetime we shared together...........
When T and I had time to talk alone privately and discuss this relationship we once had as husband and wife, we decided to try to regress each other that afternoon for the one on one session. Needless to say, it was an utter failure. The energy between us was out of control and totally distracted the both of us causing us to laugh like young children. The connection and past life memories came screaming back to us, but this time it was as Plains Indians. We knew we had reunited once again, from a place we both loved and from a place we were both very happy in. We could not successfully regress one another, but later when my friend J regressed me, this is what I experienced.
As I walked through the symbolic doorway, I noticed I was now tracking an antelope on a grassy plain. I was looking intently at the ground for the animal's tracks. I was again a male Native American warrior, with long black hair and bare feet. In the next event, there was a big celebration around a fire, with the males that were successful in the day's hunt dancing to the rhythm of the drums. I remember being very proud of my kill and of my maleness as a warrior, as were all the warriors. Sitting right off to the side, is a beautiful woman with long black hair and a buckskin dress smiling and flirting with me as I dance.I taunt her staying just out of her reach. When J, takes me to the next event, I am now in this girl's teepee laying on a buffalo hide beside her. We are laughing and having fun. I am proud to be a male. When J, asks me if there is someone in this lifetime, I recognize today, I instantly KNOW the beautiful woman on the buffalo hide with me is T. I am so happy in this lifetime, living free and hunting to feed the tribe. I do not want to come back.
Wow! When J brought me back to the present, at first I smiled at the love in my heart, but soon my heart got very heavy at the thought of the beautiful, happy life I once lived with T and the tribe, as a Plains Indian warrior that I no longer live in. Ooochh. I don't remember the feelings of loneliness there or confusion as to my role in society, nor questioning where the food came from or what was in it. My life there was real, and pure with zero ulterior motives or desires (such as money, and ownership) and we lived free.