Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Journey to Sedona....My Amazing Class.....................................(part 4)

Today the skies are heavy, full of snow, lightly falling and finally covering the last of our green grass.  A perfect morning to hibernate and write about, not only my amazing past life regression class, but the most metaphysically powerful group of people I've ever been around in my whole life. I didn't go there expecting anything metaphysical per se but it sure ended up that way.  Let's just say, by the end of the week, I had no doubt I was sitting among a counsel of enlightened ones, having made the pact to come together many lifetimes ago.

 On the first day of class, a beautiful young woman with long brown hair and ethereal blue eyes walked into the sliding glass door of our magical room.  I'll call her "T". T's face was so distinctive and radiated such a purity, and innocence, my very first thought was "star child." Then I took notice of the instructors assistant, I'll call J.  J, too emanated peace and kindness and a type of mystery and inner strength to her, completely veiling the advanced soul she really is and her humorous nature screaming to come out. Another amazing woman soon walked in, I'll call L. L  had dangerously striking blue eyes set deep in her face, with really high cheekbones and an expression that resonated fierceness, from deep within her soul. (By the end of the week, when I recognized her soul from "the past," the expression on her face made perfect sense and left me in awe to her power & to the part she played in the history books. She was known as: Tashunke-Witke & the resemblance is striking still ).  Then there was El, my motel roommate.  She was the antithesis of me in her femininity, a true lady with a kind life outlook with a need for perfection to the energy in our home for the week. A beautiful soul with a guarded aura. And then there was a quiet, reflective man I'll call E. E and I seemed to have problems with dealing with so much energy in the room,with our "empath" abilities (meaning being incredibly sensitive to the energy/frequencies and emotions around us).  We had to sit next to each other at times and touch each other's shoulders or knees to help the other one ground, which I was very grateful for. And then there was a beautiful classy black woman named M. M demanded respect and carried herself with total class and style. Her laughter created the rooms' frequency to rise to an even higher level than it all ready was. And of course, wise ole D. D is a wise, gentle woman from the South, with a kind and simple outlook on life. As the week wore on, I recognized her as one of the "Ancient Ones" to be sure.   There were 8 more amazing women in this class in addition to the ones I listed above that  I could literally write a page on each, but I will do my best to refrain or I'll never get the story finished. At the beginning of the week, I was totally ignorant to how special each and every person in the class really was.    Very interestingly, I did notice right away that a few of the ladies had energies that conflicted with mine a bit, throwing a little spiritual challenge at me, but the amazing thing is, by the end of the week, I knew that somehow all the energies of everyone were needed to keep the balance of the group. I have never experienced such a powerful yin yang group in my entire life & sure I never will again.  The Balance!

On this first day, we had to introduce ourselves and talk a little bit about who we are, our lives and the journey to get to Sedona. After hearing about the obstacles a number of  people had to deal with to get to Sedona, I hesitantly shared my story of the missing time adventure.  Stupid, I know, but I did. I knew it would scare many, or make them question my sanity, but I took a chance anyway, cause I knew anyone aware enough of the star people would instantly recognize what had occurred to me.

 There was one introductory story, I would like share, (although I am going to change a few facts to protect her privacy) due to its importance to what occurred, once we began regressing and regressing others; one of the most amazing life lessons of all. A tall, very pretty blonde woman began telling the story of having to raise a grandchild that she had not planned on in her life. She expressed to the class, she couldn't understand why life presented her with the challenge of raising a disabled child at her age (near 40) and she was slightly resentful at having to do so. We all listened attentively to her hard, and humbling story touched by the challenges she was now presented with. She went into detail regarding the babies handicap, which is instrumental to know, in retrospect to what occurred in one of her past lives.

 Once the standard class introductions were finished and Rainey went over the basic aspects to the class, we were then required everyday to regress someone (who always had to be different) and to be regressed everyday. The mornings were spent doing prayer/meditation, then a group past life regression and the afternoons were for one on one regressions until the evening portion of our class began.  It was astonishing what was revealed in every regression.   (please go to part 5)