Friday, February 24, 2012

Evidence of the continuance of the souls.....We all walk many, many lives!

I'd like to share with everyone a little collage I put together for my friend Liz, aka: Crazy Horse & myself.  I was fortunate to dream at night over and over for years my past life as Gall, though most do not know the life they lived the last time, I believe because most people are so out of touch with themselves in the present. It takes facing one's fears, and walking in one's own truths in the present, for the pieces of the past to appear as it did for me & of course LISTEN TO YOUR NIGHT TIME DREAMS!!   When I saw Liz, last November down in Sedona, the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I instantly felt like crying at the instant recognition of my old friend from the past. Her fierce & deep set eyes gave her away - it was just icing on the cake when later, we found the images of Crazy Horse that scarily looked like her now. She even still lives in South Dakota.  Within the last 20 years, I have come across a number of  loved ones and friends,  I recognized from the days of being a Lakota warrior. I personally was forced to be re-born into the race I hated, to learn to love the thing I people I hated the most. In high school, I couldn't understand my inner disdain for the white people & the culture until I began dreaming of the Native American genocide at night, waking up hysterically crying, reliving the last battle in my past life as Gall. Now, I understand.  I have also had to re-face many enemies from the 1800's,   in order to make peace now.  In one particular case, my enemy then is still my enemy now...the soul's memories still too strong.  As karma or rather the balancing of the souls works, a number of the whites that committed the Native American genocide for hundreds of years, had to come back as the Natives that are now living in squalid conditions on the reservations, plagued by drug addiction and alcoholism. Killing the native cultures, plunged their souls into a very low vibrational place, hence being re-born on to the broken reservations. It's a brutal truth, but one that makes sense. How can someone understand the effects of their actions until they have lived in the end result? Meaning, how can a white soldier balance out their karma until they lived in the hatred and horrible conditions they themselves have created for the Indian people? There is a cause & effect to everything.  I'd like to think that the balancing that needed to happen is soon to be over, and the Native People will rise up & out of the squalid conditions & LIVE & THRIVE AGAIN!!! I all ready see it happening. It's time to end the karmic cycle & time for the people to live in harmony with Mother Nature again.

Hope you this gives everyone something to ponder today.

Namaste   Kerrie

***My dear friend Liz so kindly reminded me it was I, not her that walked through with the hate towards the white race and she is absolutely right. And I omitted that not only did many of the chiefs & warriors come back, but  loved ones as well.  I knew my kids did from my dreams & an old boyfriend & a few close friends from here, but now while I was in Sedona for a past life regression class last November, a woman I did not know prior & I, regressed back together to the same life in our teepee together (as our class & teacher can confirm).  She is the beautiful one on the right in bottom left hand corner, whom I also recognized right away. I see now, Sedona was actually a gathering of souls from long ago, whom I am so honored to see again. We now all communicate everyday together and I am still in awe of Crazy Horse.