Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Dreams on different realities/different dimensions & shape shifting...........

     Happy Wednesday to all.  It's a cool overcast morning here in northwest Colorado, yet we still have green grass on the front lawn in February.  I've never have seen anything like it before and honestly I'm not complaining.  I love a year round spring.
     Well, my dreams are taking on a new concept I am trying to understand and wrap my brain around. My night time dreams seem to be focusing on the concept of other dimensions, openings in space and raising our own personal frequencies in order to access those dimensions. Approximately, 16 years ago, I had an astonishing dream that rocked my world then and I'm sure the physicists' would have a field day with. (The Native American Elders would say this knowledge is as old as dirt especially for the Shamans).  I had this initial dream on dimensions right after we moved back to Colorado in 1996, and were living high up on a beautiful, very remote ranch. This is how I experienced it:

I feel my body floating up above my bed.  I "wake" up in the lucid state to see myself suspended over the bed approximately 4 feet. I look down at Vern, my sleeping husband at the time and think to myself "how the hell am I going to explain this if he wakes up and sees me up here?" Then and very peacefully, I begin floating towards the bedroom window.  When it dawns on me, I am not going to stop before hitting the glass I think to myself "oh crap, this is going to hurt." To my surprise, my head and shoulders go right through the glass, then I stop - stuck in between the window pane. When I look down towards my feet at the predicament I was in, I kinda begin to panic inside on how I was going to get out. Suddenly, in my dream, I heard a very, kind voice (the same native warrior voice from years ago) say to me "Kerrie, you are in both the 3rd and 4th dimensions." "Take your hand and knock on the glass." which I did. "The glass is in the 3rd dimension, but your body is in the 4th.  All you have to do, is visualize changing the molecular structure of your cells to become fluid to allow yourself to transition from one dimension to another. The glass does not exist in the 4th." As soon as I visualized what the voice said to me, I instantly flew all the way out of the window, free as a bird.  At that moment, I understood how Native Shamans & aborigines knew how to shape shift and change their form and I knew how to astral project freely.  When I re-entered the room and back down into my body to  wake physically up, my life and sense of reality had completely changed.

     The Native Elders from life times past were still with me, reminding me about the mysteries that elude our culture, but are as natural as the sun rising to earth cultures and to my native soul.
     I never forgot that dream, and soon I found myself reading Louis L'Amours "The Haunted Mesa." For those that haven't read this story, I think it is one of his best.  The book is about a mesa in southern Utah, once inhabited by the Anasazi people with  portals (doorways) leading  to other dimensions that many people have gone in to and not returned. The local Navajo Nation have known of these portals for ever. The idea intrigued me, but never really hit until recently, when very oddly, both my son & I have begun dreaming of portals to other worlds ourselves - on the same nights! Approximately, 1 month ago, I had this dream:

I was looking at the doorway in to our kitchen.  Suddenly, an invisible zipper zips down the center of space, whereby a different dimension or reality is on the other side.  Then I was shown a symbol representing this phenomena- a circle with a vertical cat's eye shape down the center.

Maury (my 18 year son) on the same night had a dream about being on board a craft. He was trying to find a "portal" on board this craft because beyond the portal, was a new source of energy, which he eventually found. 

Unbelievable to say the least! Maury & I  must be very close in our awareness learning being shown these things at the same time. Within 2 days, I went to our local library to check out free movies for a little nightly entertainment.  I looked up and saw the movie "Stargate" staring me in the face demanding to be taken. Within 10 minutes of watching it, I almost fell off the couch in shock, because for those of you who have not seen it, it is about a portal found in Egypt.  Then the kicker came at the end with the credits. The movie was written by a guy I went to high school with from 77-80 in North Hollywood and sat next to in many classes, yet never spoke with. His name is Dean Devlin, the same Dean that also did Independence Day. Obviously Dean & I should have spoken in high school.  What a discussion we could have had! We both seem to be privy to these other concepts in the Universe that most folks remain asleep too. Anyways, since then, both Maury and I, have had things happening in our lives, to bring this home and for us to understand -  there are other dimensions that are opening and closing all the time, based on frequencies and with a very different time/space continuum than the 3rd dimension.  In another dream I had years ago, I was told "in order to pass through the dimensions, you must raise your own vibration by not eating meat and by eating lots of vegetables and fruit."  (Red meat per se' isn't bad- it's the cruel way the cattle are treated and the antibiotics and steroids injected into them that are).  Needless to say, I have failed this part miserably, for my diet is by far my biggest downfall and inhibitor - keeping me in a much lower frequency I should be in at this point of my spiritual growth.  I eat healthy food, but I eat 3 times the amount my body needs, using it as an emotional crutch.  I don't drink (except 1/2 bottle of beer on occasion or small glass of wine) or do drugs per se' but food is just as toxic and eating the wrong foods or too much of food is just as bad as any drug which I take full responsibility for. I think the only reason, my frequency is high enough to be shown these lessons is the fact, I jog hard and hike hard all the time, which helps a little. (The Buddhist understand this concept very well.)
     All in all, I do believe now,  a shift is taking place with a dimensional doorway opening up, and now more than ever, it's important to deal with all our own issues, make peace with ourselves and the Creator, live with honor & courage, have respect for nature and all its' creatures, and raise our own frequencies so maybe we can experience other realities that the enlightened ones have known about for years.
  Journey Well, Journey Brave!