Dear Everyone,
I feel it's important to re-share this dream experience I had approximately (20) years ago. It was so profound and has overwhelming consequences for all of us, if it's indeed true, which of course I believe it is. Here is what I experienced.
I went to sleep & woke up in consciousness in Hell, pure and simple. I could feel the cold, dampness and see endless souls trapped was dark like a cave..The souls were moaning in agony, and as I observed and felt this horrible place, I KNEW it was my job to lead as many souls out that were ready to let go of this experience and go to the Light. At this same moment, I heard in my head "GOD DOES NOT SEND PEOPLE TO HELL. WE SEND OURSELVES INTO THE HELL FREQUENCY BY THE ACTIONS & THOUGHTS WE EXHIBIT IN OUR LIVES."
As I continued to observe the trapped souls, a beautiful white beam of Light came down from the sky and I knew it was my job to lift or show the souls ready to move up and on, how to go to the Light, for rest & then to be re-incarnated into another body.....I slowly floated up in the Light and when I turned around, I had a number of souls following me, including a young girl. I continued up and out of the hell experience, into the sky, whereby I floated aside, then God took the Souls from me. At that moment, I felt an overwhelming Love from God and he thanked me for helping him reach these Souls.( Because the God frequency is too high to be able to descend into hell, he uses the shaman souls, such as myself to both descend and ascend into both frequencies, as I did this time to help him.)
I woke up feeling so much love and was humbled by God using my soul in this way. Blessings and may we all walk in the Light.