Happy Beautiful windy, blustery day to everyone,
I hope you are all somewhere, where you can see the trees explode in amazing color, like I saw tonight while walking my doggie Leo. There was an oak tree with the tips of it's leaves, a dark mauve-people color, yet the inner leaves were green and gold. Truly a last gift from Mother Nature before the long, cold winter sets in.
Now, I'd like to share an amazing astral projection experience I had last night. For those who don't know what astral projecting is, in short, it is simply where the spirit of your body, leaves your physical body, though still attached by a silver cord and you can go anywhere you want. You can literally fly through the air and experience exactly what birds do though I'm sure they see it differently or just hover in the clouds and spectate. Soon, I will begin posting the actual mental process (steps) of astral projecting & how to overcome the physical/eyes visualizations/limitations that can cause fear for many.
Back to last night,. as I came out of my physical body, in total awareness, I saw the spirit of a young boy of about 10 years old aimlessly wandering in the night sky. Somehow, I knew he was "lost" from his physical body & unsure of how to get back. With a telepathic ability, he said he was from San Francisco...so of course, I knew my job was to take him home. I gave him the message to take my astral hand, so I could turn him around so we would be heading west Now, here is the kicker. If you're not used to being in spirit, your eyes hold the same limitations for you as if you were in the physical body. Meaning..if you approach a building, when you're in the physical you know you can't just walk through a solid wall & if you are not consciously aware of the fact, your body is not attached, you think your spirit too will hit that wall as well. Well, this young boy was scared & it was literally all I could do, to keep us up in the night sky, because his fears kept weighting us down back to earth. I had to consciously ascend high enough to get us over the trees, then let the currents get us over the Rocky Mtns. At one point, while going over the eastern Bay Area, the weight of his fear, brought us back down to earth & we ended up in a building. And again, I had to explain to him, that because we were in spirit, the walls of the building weren't really there and we could float freely through them, which we ended up doing & back up into the sky. FINALLY, after a long time in spirit, we reached San Francisco. At that point, he seemed to know the way back to his body, which was a huge relief for me. And then I came right back myself.. It just seems that I came out of my body just in time, to keep this boy from separating from his little body of 10. That explains how/why people die in their sleep for no apparent reason....or at least explains (1) reason for it. In fact, I think I even posted the story where I was out of my body & again went over the Rockies, to then turn north to go visit my friend Carla, who lives on the Oregon border. Wellllll, I got sooo mesmerized by the beauty of the colors of the sky out over the ocean that I completely let myself continue to float toward the Light on the horizon. I would have continued to do so if it wasn't for an old Aboriginal couple that grabbed me in spirit and scolded me for the fact, that if they hadn't stopped me, I would have eventually lost my body. So that's my story.
I'm excited to share the whole journey with the astral abilities, from the 1st conscious time of doing it, to where now I can fly wherever I want, like I did recently to my beloved Moab to do flips off the canyon rims in total bliss knowing there is nothing to fear. Much to my friends dismay, I have also recently astral projected back up to Montana - twice to visit, my beloved 4 legged friends (2 dogs, 1 horse, 3 goats & 35 chicken) I had to leave behind that nearly broke my heart when my ex-fiance & I broke up.
Good night and happy journeying to all.