A quick note to anyone out there that might be an abductee/contactee and have no one to share all the strange things occurring in your life, such as: missing time, dreams of floating out of your bedroom, seeing alien type faces, or suddenly having psychic abilities you did not have before, or even night terrors? If so, I'd love to help you emotionally/mentally understand what is occurring and to help turn it into a positive experience for you.
How would I know? Because my kids & I have been contactees, for as long as I can remember, but I choose to learn and embrace the experiences, instead of letting them take control of my life, scare me and dis-empower me. I made the choice to face the events and to learn, and because I know I am one of the few that do, I'd like to help others experiencing the same thing.
We can do over the phone counseling or in-person. Whatever makes you the most comfortable. Please just fill out the contact form with your phone number & I will be sure to call you.
**I also have one of the top psychologists in the country who deals with contactees to attest to my experiences, not to mention family & neighbors who have witnessed actual events.
(My daughter drew this picture at one and a half years old, before I was consciously aware of what was occurring.) May you be brave in this new reality & adventure.