Friday, October 28, 2011

The WARRIORS..................

Dear Everyone,

  I can not let another day go by without sharing the most powerful dream I've had in years.  This dream gave me strength and courage I did not have the night before. This dream reminded me of the spirits in the other world that are a part of my heart - a part of my soul.  They reminded me of who I am; of who I always was and will be.

  It started with work.  I was doing terrible in training, with my ego being destroyed by the problems caused by my hearing.  I have always learned things fast and have always learned what I wanted to, but this time it was different.  I could not make my ears hear things they needed to hear hurting my training terribly.  I did not want to go back to work the next day only to be reminded of my failure to hear the low voices or words on the radio.  I was totally despondent when I went to sleep:

I woke up to find myself floating silently through the night sky - there are red sand stone canyon walls on both sides of me.  Suddenly, my mouth opens and to my shock I let out this incredible wounded war cry from my voice, yet the voice isn't mine.  It is a man's and a warrior's at that.  It is so primal and so Indian my mind was shocked.  Then out of the darkness appears two warriors whose faces are painted black with 2 white strips under eye each. They holler back to me with a soul piercing yell awakening my heart with a little strength. I continue to let out a war cry and  now I see Indians lining the top of the canyon walls echoing the soul piercing sounds back to me. The canyon is roaring with the sounds of warriors and I am getting strong again.  As I continue to float through the canyon, a teepee appears on the top of the cliff. The teepee is lit up from inside....then standing next to the teepee are all the warriors I, Gall fought alongside with in the Battle of the Little Bighorn.  I knew each and every one,  like I know how to breathe. I was so happy to see them and they were so happy to see me,  yet it's as if we never parted.  They yell at me with the scream of a warrior about to go into battle and I yell back with fierceness and bravery in my heart....telling my old friends I will always be with them.   Seeing them reminded me of what it is to be brave...what it feels like to be brave inside. ...When my old friends disappeared, a number of other warriors appeared  on the cliffs as we yelled to each other from across the canyon making my heart so happy to see them and strong once again.                                Then I woke up.

**I went to work that day, reliving over and over and over, the sounds, the sights and feelings I was given by my old friends, the warriors that I miss with a passion yet I know they are only a dimension away silently thanking them for giving me the strength to face another day I knew would be tough..