Saturday, October 29, 2011

Ancient Symbols/Ancient Elder/Ancient Place

Happy cooold Fall day to all,

 The leaves have almost all fallen off the trees and the sky is white, threatening to snow.  Winter is just a breathe away but still the dreams come.

 I have a pretty good idea of where I was, but if there's a Native American or anyone else for that matter, who recognizes this place or what the symbols might mean, I would love to hear your thoughts.

   It started with me coming up and out of my body while I was sleeping.  It was early morning and the sun was all ready up.  I hovered over the neighborhood for awhile then flew over town. I saw a lady walking in the grocery store parking lot and decided I'd try something interesting.  I  flew down next to her barely grazing her arm with my spirit.  I wanted to see if she could "feel" my presence.  When it was obvious she did not due to her lack of a response, I decided to go find my friend Glenda instead.  For some reason, I "knew" it was time for her to wake up in awareness.  Even though she was physically awake, I tried desperately to wake her up to me, by blowing on her face and touching her arm with my spirit and yelling "wake up Glenda"  "wake up now!"  After a number of attempts and realizing she just wasn't going to wake up yet, I took off into the sky and hovered way above the clouds.  I consciously decided I would fly up to Alaska and see if I could find a grizzly to watch (while in spirit) since I had been dreaming of grizzlies a lot lately.  After a moment of thinking which way was north, I turned in that direction ready to fly.  THEN, I felt it.  A force much bigger than myself grabbed me spiritually and took over the experience. I no longer had control of where I was going.  The force turned me around and made me look straight down into the clouds underneath me.  Below was a huge silver lined cloud with the outline of a white planet inside of it. My spirit went souring down at a high rate of speed, but before I made it to the planet, I went through another cloud that was beautifully colored with peaches, oranges and pinks.  As I went through this ethereal cloud, I saw the message "Love God" inside and could feel love radiating from this cloud as I went through it en route to the silver lined cloud with a planet inside. As I approached the planet, I was in heightened awareness, crystal clear really.  As I neared the ground, there was this big flat ancient looking rock with all these symbols covering it.  I hovered very close to the rock, reaching out with my fingers;  at the symbols "knowing" I was supposed to remember them for later. I floated slowly over the entire rock and the edges, amazed at what I was looking at. I did not recognize the symbols from hieroglyphs I have seen while awake in Moab or anywhere else.  Right as I finished inspecting the entire rock, I noticed to my right a square entrance in the ground lit up in a hazy yellow light. I knew I was to go down there. As I slowly entered the square hole, a huge ancient rock room opened up before me, with an elder Native American sitting in prayer with his back to me. The room had rows of ancient books on shelves row after row. As I floated in toward the elder who was straight in front of me sitting cross legged graying black hair to the middle of his back, I  instantly knew that I, too was one of ancient ones and felt deeply honored to be in this place. I floated silently towards the elder deep in prayer, but he did not acknowledge me and I knew I shouldn't disturb him. I then noticed a 20 year old Native American girl tending to the books.  I decided to see if she would feel my presence some how knowing she would. As I brushed up on her arm with my spirit, her voice spoke the words  "Kerrie I can feel you.  You are a very kind person." I was so touched she felt me and said "thank you."  I began to tell her what had happened and how I was brought to this place.  I asked her about the planet I had seen, and she told me I needed to ask another man who knew more about it than she did. She pointed to where I could find him.  In one of the ancient rows of books, was a white man sitting at a table.  I went over to him and again began telling him my story. I was in total awareness of the very ancient place I was in and with very ancient and wise souls almost in disbelief I was with them.  I began to ask the white man about the planet I had seen and what it meant, and could tell he was getting annoyed at my questions.  He looked at me with a deep stare and before he answered, I was instantly brought back to my body and woke up.

I laid there for minutes reliving the entire experience. I was deeply touched and felt deeply special knowing I, too was one of the elders who had come back to earth for a multiple of reasons.  My experience was extremely sacred.  Within a few hours of awakening I had a group of six of us friends driving two hours out into the desert where we spent the day at an ancient medicine wheel made by the Utes years and years ago. I knew we were to be there.  It was a magical day and a magical experience.  I'm not sure why the ancient ones have honored me so with showing me so much and the warriors being with me all the time, cause in all honesty I don't feel like a warrior inside anymore. I feel the same way Gall did at the end.....tired with a broken spirit.....sadness at a level I can't describe; being a part of another genocide, this time the earth and its animals - a continuation of the genocide of the Native peoples.