Monday, January 21, 2019

Prophetic Dream About My Lion Husband

Ahhhh, I just remembered this dream that I should have posted years ago, but did not because quite frankly, I wasn't dedicated enough to post all my lucid dreams.

The only reason I am writing of this old one, is because of the prophetic content, that was a precursor to my arrival to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe-Africa & meeting my now husband in person. Often our dreams will forewarn us of major events about to occur in our lives and this was one of them. 

"I woke up in awareness and walking beside me was a HUGE, powerful  male African lion, with a glowing outline. I was soooo shocked and in awe because African lions have been my favorite animal since the age of four. As I reached over to touch its mane, something stopped me. It wasn't respectful to do nor did I want to anger this we just walked side by side, this huge lion and myself." 


One week later, I left for Zimbabwe, not having a clue, my beloved's stage name & nickname was:

"LIONMAN" or that it was his totem..or the fact, he has the face of a lion to boot. 

As a side note, Pardon & I had been writing (5) months prior to my going to Zimbabwe, but he did not tell me he was a performing artist nor that he was known as "Lionman" on stage!