Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Divine Message Given to Me in a Dream....beautiful & profound ...........

As you probably already know if you are reading this, is that for many, many years I have been shown many things in my nighttime dreams. Obviously most of what we dream is mumbo jumbo, our minds trying to work out things we experienced while awake, but then there are those dreams that sneak in, too vivid, too real & too emotional to be a dream. These are our lucid dreams that many times, warn you of what is to come, past life memory break throughs, or even different realities & the beings that reside in them.  These are the ones we must pay attention to. Two early mornings ago, in my dreams I heard a familiar guiding voice say to me:

 "It is very important for the survival of all tribes and cultures, in order for our souls to be able to incarnate in all the different experiences to grow & become whole & only then do we evolve once we've learned to love all."

Wow....Divine Wisdom....which if one thinks about it makes perfect sense though goes against what most religions teach..except Buddhism, hence why we should show and give respect to all beings..because in one experience, they may be you. 

(fyi: i made the moccasins above the traditional way, with brain tanned dear hide, which I also did, after dreaming about a tribe of Native Americans that I had zero knowledge of at that time. Memories being awoken.)