Thursday, November 30, 2017

Unbelievably Lucid Astral Experience Controlled from Higher Beings

Image result for crystalline ufo

Good morning to all,

I hope this finds everyone feeling something special today. Before, I lose the details, I must share one the coolest experiences I've had while asleep in a long time.

It started out as just a regular dream, that was even taking on a kinda scary theme. I was with another lady & we were sitting in the forest around a fire in the woods at night when suddenly I felt we had to go because there was danger lurking. As I jumped into my truck, I realized there were (2) men in my truck as well & had locked the doors. Then for some reason I realized the brakes weren't working & we were on a VERY steep hill, so the truck start rolling backwards really, really fast  & I knew all (3) of us were about to die because we were aiming straight for a nice, big house at the end of the road. The people in the house even saw us coming & everyone was screaming & trying to get out of the way of the crashing truck--then it crashed right through the house, spinning, rolling & destroying everything.... The next thing I knew, was I had been saved by something "out there" but then the spirits of the (2) guys who I knew died,  suddenly appeared. They were thinking of attacking me, but I surrounded myself in the Light of God & threw Light from my hands at them, which caused them to dissolve into nothingness....Soooooo profound, BUT then all of a sudden I WOKE up in consciousness & was flying in Spirit & I KNEW I was astral projecting in Spirit..I was WIDE awake in consciousness, & I could now feel the coldness of the air, the incredible clarity of the forest colors & the feeling of total freedom  which left no doubt.....I've astraled so many times before I recognize now, that I am able to go through windows & buildings & whatever I want because in that dimension, the objects do not hinder the souls ability to go through anything. So I began flying all over the place....I even left the forest at one point & went through homes & saw people & when it was time to fly back out, instead of using the door, or going through walls, I knew going through the glass in windows was a piece of cake. As I'd approach the glass, the window would curve around me & I'd close my eyes "just in case" but I always went all the way through them & back high into the sky. In this reality, I felt it was being completely controlled by beings much more advanced than me from other realms & universes, whom I've experienced in the past.

While I was flying, in the most highly aware state, I saw a male spirit who wanted to harm me, even seeing what looked like a gun, but when he'd shoot a bullet at me, it'd come at me & I could see the entire traveling line of the bullet & just float out of the way as it slowly passed me but I knew he had to be stopped. As I tried to approach him in Spirit, he kept shooting something at me, until finally I reached his dark spirit & again, I used the words "Please surround me in the Light of God", & he was gone. So I continued flying above this forest, totally in awe of what I was experiencing. Then I felt another person in spirit coming up from behind me & as I turned around, there was this white, naked male with a white flag next to me. ...As soon as I saw his nakedness, I knew I too was supposed be totally naked---in my spirit with nothing to hide...PURE CLARITY.....And as we both were flying in spirit side by side, I clearly heard a voice through telepathy say to me  "Go north" and as I did so, the snow below was getting deeper & deeper & I knew we were WAY north, in Alaska somewhere maybe, when suddenly we both saw, THIS HUGE CRYSTALLINE UFO suspended in the air waiting for us......It was massive & it reminded me of a HUGE droopy snowflake, with bluish, silvery colors & steam surrounding it from the ice & moisture in the air.  My astral mouth dropped at how big & beautiful it was. Then the realization that it was waiting for us ----- hit me & I went "Oh my God, we're really going to go. What if something negative happens to us?"  in which the male next to me responded "It doesn't matter, cause I'll just ascend in frequency & won't be there anymore anyways." And I went " ohhhhhh yeah, that's right." And right as I was about to approach the craft, I woke up in my bed, with the sun coming into the window, feeling like I had been gone for hours, but  VERY clear in thinking & mind. I also KNEW I had to call a woman named Yvonne Smith, the founder of CERO International (Close Encounters Research Organization in south Calif & who is a hypno-therapist), so I did & left her a message asking her to call, to see if others have seen or experienced what I did.

So there you go....Both a dream, lucid dream & astral projection directly connected to Higher Beings. Just goes to show, our souls growth & realities & experiences are Limitless.

Blessings & have a lovely day.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Divine Message Given to Me in a Dream....beautiful & profound ...........

As you probably already know if you are reading this, is that for many, many years I have been shown many things in my nighttime dreams. Obviously most of what we dream is mumbo jumbo, our minds trying to work out things we experienced while awake, but then there are those dreams that sneak in, too vivid, too real & too emotional to be a dream. These are our lucid dreams that many times, warn you of what is to come, past life memory break throughs, or even different realities & the beings that reside in them.  These are the ones we must pay attention to. Two early mornings ago, in my dreams I heard a familiar guiding voice say to me:

 "It is very important for the survival of all tribes and cultures, in order for our souls to be able to incarnate in all the different experiences to grow & become whole & only then do we evolve once we've learned to love all."

Wow....Divine Wisdom....which if one thinks about it makes perfect sense though goes against what most religions teach..except Buddhism, hence why we should show and give respect to all beings..because in one experience, they may be you. 

(fyi: i made the moccasins above the traditional way, with brain tanned dear hide, which I also did, after dreaming about a tribe of Native Americans that I had zero knowledge of at that time. Memories being awoken.)

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Follow Up to "Scary, Alien Invasion Nightmare"

Happy Sunday,

Much to my shock, as in my nightmare where the military was shooting from helicopters, only to realize, it was a precognition dream to the Las Vegas massacre, an article was just posted on The Daily Sheeple stating there is footage of the massacre, where there is shooting coming from --a helicopter..It's so creepy even I can't believe it....Here is a follow-up article to that dream.

"In an investigation where each day seemingly gets weirder than the last, the latest shocking revelation in the ongoing cover-up of what actually happened during the Las Vegas Massacre comes in the form of video footage that may prove that victims of the attack were fired upon from the air.

Multiple videos posted from the scene of the attack show a helicopter flying around the area which many have speculated could have been used for surveillance or dispatched by police after the shooting began.
Astonishingly, new footage has emerged that may show muzzle flashes coming from the helicopter in what looks to be evidence that a team was firing into the crowd from the air on that fateful night.

Despite claims by some that these are “strobes” it remains unlikely that this is the case, especially when you consider other footage of the helicopter taken on the night as well as research by a group of investigators who believe the first attack on October 1st was carried out from the air."

Though unfortunately, there was nothing I could do to stop it, it proves, that dreams are more often than not, much more than just dreams.

Be well & live life everyday......

Saturday, October 7, 2017


Heaven. It truly exists.....Not only is it a state of mind, but an actual place of pure peace, love & beauty. How do I know? Because I have woken up, "in Heaven" a number of times now in my dream state. Two nights ago, I literally woke up in consciousness, while my body was sleep & right before me, was the most BEAUTIFUL, peach and orange colored mountain, with snow on the top & I instantly felt & knew in my soul, it was Heaven. This energy ran straight down from my head, down the back of my neck & spine, in chills at the scene before me & because I felt the Love of God......It was soooo beautiful & Divine. I hope this gives all a nice inner feeling, knowing such a place exists.Image result for heavenly scene

Follow up to my Last Upsetting Dream Post, That I now Know was Las Vegas.................

Happy Beautiful October,

I hope this finds you all enjoying this gorgeous fall day. My husband & I enjoyed a fun & exciting mountain bike ride by our new home & it was just a ball. By far, my most favorite sport of all.....I haven't written since my last post for many reasons. #1) We have been in the transition mode, of relocating back to Colorado, to one of my most favorite spots in the US.  Both of us had jobs (3) weeks before our townhome was available, so we've been camping & going back & forth to Moab, Utah on weekends, for packing & cleaning up. But we are now, officially in our comfy new home just miles from the most awesome mountain biking, so life is good once again.

Secondly, I've been too crushed over the Las Vegas shooting, considering I now know that is what my last dream post was warning me about. I understand now, the UFO thing was symbolic since Las Vegas is a short distance from Area 51 (the US military base that reverse engineers fallen UFOs, etc) & the looking up I saw in my dreams is cause the bullets from the shooter came from above.

I wanted to physically get sick after it happened after I realized it was what my dream was forewarning me about. I also strongly suspect the Las Vegas shooter was not alone & had help from the black gov't  or military to cause chaos, like in my dream but of course that is only speculation.  Regardless, I'm unsure why I always dream of huge events, before they happen if I can do nothing to stop them. On an esoteric note, maybe they are pre-destined, written into the Universal Script, which I seem to have access too, though in all honesty, I wish I did not. It's a hard, heavy burden for me, which I could easily live without.

With that said, my prayers to the family of the survivors & the survivors themselves & just know those that passed get a chance to rest in Spirit now, while the rest of us struggle through life.

