Monday, January 30, 2012

Evolution vs. Devolution of the Spirit

Happy Monday morning to all,

      I have not written for awhile due to my quiet nights of dreaming.  It seems to be a spiritual rest time for me, cause the lucid dreaming of visions and experiences have not been occurring. The phenomena of worm holes and dimensional breaks has been coming up for both my son & I, but that in itself is another story. Now, I'd like to broach the subject of mankind's spiritual evolution or to me devolution.  Most metaphysical folks  I know believe mankind as a whole is in the process of evolving spiritually; one man I know goes so far to say we are about to "graduate" in spirituality and is very excited for the process. They seem to make the connection between December 21st, 2012 and raising to a higher frequency for all of humanity.  There also seems to be the opinion we are, at a time that has never occurred before.
     This whole idea completely leaves me and my kids baffled and I'm hoping someone out there can fill in the hole of confusion for us. I truly believe many individuals are spiritually growing, but definitely not humanity as a whole.  In fact, I think we de-volved considerably in spirituality since the time of hunter /gatherers and our country particularly  is years and years away from just being where the Native Americans/Aborigines/and jungle cultures were before the genocides of their cultures.  This is why: The earth tribes understood that their existence depended on the plants & animals the earth provided.  They understood if they picked all the roots in one area there would not be any left the following season.  They knew if they killed every animal they'd starve the next year & if they did not follow the rules of the earth, the tribes would pay the price. Most had shamans, that communicated with all the different levels in Spirit & frequencies asking for guidance for the people. Everything in nature had a spirit and they understood their place in nature. They were totally connected to both the earth & Spirit in the deepest since & those who weren't prematurely perished.
  We, especially in this country (& in most the world now) have totally disconnected ourselves from nature to feed our lazy, comfortable lives.  We have totally polluted all the waters we depend on, razed the forests, destroyed the oceans, our food is full of steroids and antibiotics and the air truly toxic, especially after the Fukusima nuclear disaster. We have completely lowered our frequency as a whole because of our actions to the Earth. In the spiritual sense, those of us born with shamanic abilities (once respected by their tribes) are now considered EVIL, going against the Bible.  Those of us that have shamanic abilities know the facade of the fear and control placed upon the masses by the Bible & most organized religions.  We know there is no such thing as death and going to Hell.  We know the soul is just as alive after the physical body ends and we know we send ourselves to lower frequencies by the choices we make in our lives-God has nothing to do with it. We also know our soul comes back over and over in different forms to learn lessons we didn't get the last life time around.  Some of us even retain memories of prior life times, still so connected to the prior life-it's hard to live in this world now. (Me for one).
     To make my point about frequency differences, think about how awesome it feels to be in nature, away from buildings and people.  The frequency is so pure, brutally honest and alive.  When it's time to go home, back to manmade society, the mood instantly becomes "ahhhhh nuts-what a drag." So now back to my question- how, have we evolved in spirituality as a whole? And why should we deserve to ascend or even get taken to another planet, when we destroyed the one we were given? Why should the Creator reward us for destroying one of his/her most beautiful creations?  If you were a parent and your child, got in trouble and got sent to jail, would you enable that bad behavior and bail them out or would you make them sit in jail and understand the outcome to their actions? Personally, I would leave my kids in jail, for how are they ever going to learn their mistakes if I keep rescuing them? Why should the Creator reward us for very bad behavior?  And now you know my internal dilemma and confusion on this matter. Evolution or devolution?  Any thoughts out there, no matter how nice or how brutal.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

African Drumming with the Djembe (Jim-bay) & a very Happy Spirit

Happy New Years Everyone,  (& Happy 18th Birthday to my dear son Maury)

     I have been expecting big changes in 2012, and thus far have not been disappointed.  As I sit here typing, I am looking out our big bay window at a sky as baby blue as the Caribbean ocean and the sun shining as bright as ever, with frozen green grass in our front yard.  Now, that is pretty wild, considering we usually have 3 feet of snow by now, and the temperatures plummeting down to -30 in the nights, with day time highs of 10-15 or so. It is one of the craziest things I have seen in a long time, although I should not be surprised considering ole' No-Eyes stated, that during the pole shifts, the warm climates will get cold and the cold climates will get warm.  That definitely seems to the case here.
     I have not written for awhile due to the fact, after my last dream 'vision' I kinda needed a spiritual break from so many experiences.  I sat under the twinkling night time stars (in the cold, wrapped in a soft green blanket) and asked the Great Spirit if I could have a little time off from my visionary dreaming and just sleep like a normal person.  Amazingly, my wishes were granted immediately, and thus far with the exception of one more tsunami dream, my nighttime dreams have been as meaningless as ever, which for me is strange, but allowing me to quiet myself inside; thus eliminating messages to share on this blog.
     I would like to share with everyone though, an amazing class I am taking with my son in Steamboat that fits right in with my love of the African tribes and my past life regression as an African warrior.  It started approximately 3 years ago, when I saw an African dance/drumming performance in Steamboat at the local high school.  There were a number of different type of acts/dances in that show, but the African drummers mesmerized me immediately.  The deep bass sounds pierced my soul, and I was instantly in love.  I hardly noticed the female African dancers, because I couldn't take my eyes off the men banging on the amazing djembe drums in the back round.  There was one male in particular that was soooo good, and had such an amazing spirit around him, you'd swear under that white skin, was pure African.  When the music ended, I just sat there saddened the deep rooted sound of my soul had ended.  As blessings work, that same amazing white drummer named Cary came over to our county with a real African man and taught a class at the local school allowing me to actually become one of the drummers.  All I can say is, it was by far one of the coolest things I have ever experienced ( and I have experienced a lot.) and my love of the djembe was sealed.
    As my son's 18th birthday approached, I pulled my hair out,  trying to think of something I could give him that he would never forget and will be able to take with him in his life.  This would be the last time, my son and I would ever have this precious time together before he leaves home and into his life as a man.  Suddenly, the thought of the djembe crossed my mind & thus I contacted Cary, the amazing djembe drummer in Steamboat.  Unbelievably, Cary told me he was about to begin a djembe class at his home for 15 weeks in  beginning 1/2/2012, the day before Maury's 18th birthday .  My prayers for Maury were answered. Last night was our first class and Maury and I loved it immensely.  Cary's spirit emanates all the time, with his smiling face and patience for those of us newby's.  I, too can't help but smile the entire 1.5 hours because the sound of the drums make my spirit so happy. It feels like a gift from the Great Spirit for walking the hard life as a dreamer and for walking my path on the good red road, as tough as if may be.
    Amazingly, after my experiences in Sedona, and regressing back to a time as a little African warrior, I see now why the sound of the djembe drum stirs my soul, rattling open a window to my past; to a time and a life connected to the land and connected to the tribe.

    May all of you find that special something that makes your spirit happy and free as the djembe does for mine!

May this year bring awareness and courage to all!
